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For those of you with Sky boxes without a 'Freesat from Sky' card and have been going though the pilaver of  going through the 'Other Channels' menu I can announce that Channel 4 is now on the EPG (programme guide) and will appear on channel 104.

This was only done today and Channel 4 have been doing a lot of pfaffing about with their satellite frequencies recently, but I hope that it will now be there to stay.

Regards - Tim

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Well spotted Tim,   does look as thought 10714 MHz is now entirely FTA (not that Lyngsat have updated their info yet).   (Was too honked to check last night when I saw your info,  but does indeed still seem to be the case this morning)

So I wonder if Ch 5 are now top of the list to take over any spare capacity on 10729 MHz.....    We will see.

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Curious - I wouldn't have thought so, unless the box has been left unplugged for quite a while. You could try a reboot - unplug the box from the mains - count to ten and then plug back in.

If that doesn't work there is obviously something else going and we may need some more information about your equipment.



Edit - snap Martin.

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I have the same problem as 'OSIE' that my box does not find 104 it just goes from 103 straight to 106!! I have unplugged a few times and it makes no change. Got any ideas. I have one box that has always had the 'FTA' card and you can take this out and you get 104 on this one. Its all running off the same dish? Over to you guys for any other ideas.
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As I said before - this is rather tricky. I need to confirm a few things.

You say you have something called a 'FTA' card. Well, FTA normally stands for 'Free to Air' and therefore there is no need for a card.

Can I confirm that what you actually have is a 'Freesat From Sky card'? It should have what is generally known as an outline of a yellow house on it.

If I have this correct, then am I also correct in saying that the box without the card is the one that refuses to show Channel 4 on 104?

If your other box does get Channel 4 on 104 then it becomes more obvious to me at least, that this will come down to a difference between the two boxes, and this is what I alluded to in an earlier post. More information is going to be required to find out this difference. The make and model number of the box that is not working would be good for a start.

I can't promise to come up with a solution for this issue - Sky boxes have a bit of a reputation for coming up with strange faults - but with some more info we might get somewhere - perhaps.

Regards - Tim

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I've got two boxes ljust ike Biga, one with card one without the one without is refusing to show 104 same as Biga.  Might try the card in the one refusing to show 104 as the one showing 104 is a newer box,, hmmm.


I swapped the card into the old box and the newer box still has channel 4 old box of course now has channel 4.  Now removed the card from the old box and channel 4 remains.  So the answer for me was to put the card in the old box, have it search for listings and once it's found it you can remove the card.  So I guess the issue for some of us is that the boxes that have not had a card for sometime need this, or is it the age of the box?

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Hey Panda, Just beat me to it. I have just done the same thing and now have ch4 on the box without the card, so all is ok now. Its a bit weird thou is it not that it wouldn't find channel 4 but by putting in the card it can then find it!
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Well that's one solution!

TBH I expect that the situation will gradually sort itself out - now that ch 4 has escaped the shackles of Sky's encryption it *should* turn up on the EPG whether the card is in or not.   But obviously something hasn't been "reset" somewhere,  possibly deliberately.

I can see quite a little industry springing up where people with Sky cards lend them out for a quick poke to those that haven't - if you see what I mean....

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Yes - I'm glad that this strange issue has been resolved for you both. I can say this now, of course, but it was one of things I was going to suggest (honest)  although I must admit I'm not sure I thought it would achieve.

As you say Martin, perhaps it's one of things that may sort itself out, given time.

Incidentally, picking up on your idea Martin, if there's anybody in Haut Normandie who needs a quick prod with my card, PM me and I'm sure we can come to a suitable financial arrangement[:D]


Regards - Tim


P.S. By the way, it's a bit late now Martin but I've PMd you

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Just when I thought I had ch4 sussed by putting in my other card I suddenly lose ITV! Turn the box off and back on and ITV is back hurrah, Try ch4 and its gone again so have to put the card in again. Can't be bothered with all that back and forward so a new card is on its way then I will not have to worry. These gadgets are a pain in the backside.....
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