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I'm with Neuf!

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Just using this post to thank all the kind souls on here who gave me advice on changing my ISP on another thread!

The big event has taken place, no drama, no frustration, no tears from me, no tantrums from OH. 

Neuf box came yesterday, found phones dead this morning, installed Neuf box, following the colour codes.  And voila!  All sorted.

Computer working, ADSL phones working and I nearly passed out with the shock of the incredible.

Anyone else out there thinking of changing, I hope this post might help.[:D][:D][:D]

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See, Maricopa, yours was one of the posts which helped me decide.  Now I'm a very happy bunny.  You've no idea the problems I have had with FT; not to mention feeling completely ripped off for the 3 months' charges that they levied when we were without any service and which they have never bothered to repay to us!
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Perhaps my earlier gungho attitude is slight misplaced?!  Couldn't send emails this evening, rang the helpline to be told that I can't send emails for 2 weeks!

Very strange, but no big problem for me.  Can receive emails and ring people back as all calls are inclusive.

Maricopa, did you have this problem or is it one that is specifically reserved for me?

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We're with Neuf, Sweet, and very happy with it.  One thing we have learnt is that for a second phone, say, upstairs, you may need a plug-in ADSL filter.  Costs around 9 euros and cuts out any interference.  We were told by Neuf that walk-about phones could cause problems, though I've seen others using them with no problem.. A bit of a case of trial and error.

Their help line was really helpful too.  I have seen some negative posts about Neuf, but I suspect they were people who couldn't speak frfench !

Good luck !

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Is there really an ISP who is much better than the rest?

I do get a general impression that Orange is marginally worse than most, but is that perhaps due to their market leader position?

I've had no probs with Free in 2 years but I wouldn't dare recommend it to anyone as I know others have had disastrous service.  Same goes for Neuf, Alice, AOL et al.  I had dreadful probs with Club Internet before, but I know plenty of people who've had no problems. 

I think they are all crap compared to the UK ISP's - dreadful customer service when anything goes wrong.

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Wouldn't say anything is wrong yet, Cassis.  They did say it will take 2 to 3 weeks to get everything up and running.

That was only last week and I am on line, have made phone calls, etc.

What worries me slightly is that I connected and plugged in everything and now am wondering whether there is anything else I should have done.

Haven't read the manual thoroughly but I am one of those exasperating people who do not read instructions and just try to look at something and start mucking about with it.

The girl I spoke to on the helpline knew who I was as soon I gave her my phone number.  That in itself was a nice surprise, so I shall just wait and see what gives.

Otherwise, I have a computer guy coming round on Friday to look at the photocopier(which is en panne) and I might ask him about this inability to send emails.

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Was recently forced to move from AOL dial-up (which was slow, but at least worked) because they simply chopped it.

It was a necessary shove-in-the-back, but needed to get back online quickly, so went with SFR.  Must admit, I thought that it was Neuf-in-disguise, but am now uncertain. (???)

Anyway, box arrived quite quickly and all set up to run ......... for 5 days.  Big thunderstorm, shut everything down, wouldn't restart afterwards. Rang the Helpdesk, ran some diagnostic checks to no avail, they said that someone would get back. After 4 days of nothing, I rang again, told 3 - 10 days for resolution.

Grumpy: no phone, no internet. Finally went in to the Sales Office and was shown how to reset the box. It took 20 secs!  Why didn't I get that from the Helpline?  Why wasn't there something in the documentation?  Am now wondering whether anybody will ever respond to the original callout.   

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[quote user="sweet 17"]

Couldn't send emails this evening, rang the helpline to be told that I can't send emails for 2 weeks!

.... Can receive emails and ring people back as all calls are inclusive.


As you say, very strange.  You are receiving but can't send?  You mean you can't send from your Neuf email address, or can't send from any address?  Have you tried sending from gmail, yahoo mail etc?

Have you tried sending directly from gmail or whatever online, rather than via your email client (Outlook or whatever you use)?  If you can send from the online email user interface then there may be something wrong with your email client set-up.

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[quote user="sweet 17"]Couldn't send emails this evening, rang the helpline to be told that I can't send emails for 2 weeks!  Maricopa, did you have this problem or is it one that is specifically reserved for me?[/quote]

I can honestly say I can't remember.  I didn't use my neuf e-mail address for some time.  I presume this is what you are refering to.  IE logging into your neuf messagerie and sending and receiving e-mails in it?  I do remember trying to get into one area (possibly the messagerie) and for some time is was mistaken in what I thought was the password provided. (1 for an I or something like that [8-)])

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Thanks, Cassis and Maricopa.

Will have a go using Yahoo as I always used them when I was away from home for any length of time.

Silly me, will teach me to pay better attention to these things and not sit there being helpless and clueless.

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We didn't have any trouble with email as we were already with Club-Internet, now Neuf.  Mr Blaze went through the instructions to the letter, and so far, so good - that was about 4 months ago.

Because there are power cuts and mobiles don't work here, we have been forced to keep our FT line.  I believe that Neuf cover this now ?????

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We are looking to switch providers for the phone and internet. I feel we are paying way over  the top. orange/wanadoo at about 25 euros per month and FT comes in aroound 60 euros per 2months.........I make international calls via callserve! so all these charges are quick local calls and charges.


Have I read the site correctly? 35 euros per month for internet(unlimited) and phone calls/landline.   If so I shall be filling in the forms in a couple of hours.

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[quote user="opas"]Have I read the site correctly? 35 euros per month for internet(unlimited) and phone calls/landline.[/quote]

That's what I pay with Neuf, but bear in mind this means leaving FT and being totally dependent on one operator for ADSL and phone.

As I have said before on similar threads,  I have been with Neuf for nearly 2 years without any major problem and the minor ones have been resolved quickly and satisfactorily.

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[quote user="opas"]

We are looking to switch providers for the phone and internet. I feel we are paying way over  the top. orange/wanadoo at about 25 euros per month and FT comes in aroound 60 euros per 2months.........I make international calls via callserve! so all these charges are quick local calls and charges.

Have I read the site correctly? 35 euros per month for internet(unlimited) and phone calls/landline.   If so I shall be filling in the forms in a couple of hours.


Most of the bundles are about the same price.  Free.fr is 30€ per month for broadband up to 28Mb, unlimited phone calls in France, Europe, USA included, and broadband TV.   http://www.free.fr/adsl/

We've had Free for 2 years without any problems - but as I say, I think it's pot luck whoever you go for. 

Best go for Neuf then if it goes nichons en haut it's not my fault. [:D]

If you keep your FT line for emergencies you still pay them 16€ a month line rental.  If you go for the "degroupage option" (assuming it's available in your area) then you can dispense with FT, the downside is that power cuts or Internet problems will leave you without a landline phone - you pays your money and you takes your choice.

We're not in a degroupage area so we're stuck with FT for the line, for the time being at least, and 10Mb broadband. 

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