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My Mac gets quite hot, especially when the weather is hot.  I think this is normal.

However, I once left my mac turned on in a rucksack in summer and it got very hot indeed - caused some problems with normal running of the machine.  

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[quote user="Kevinmc"]They get extremely hot and will shut down if you use them on your lap, thereby blocking the ventilation - as I had to explain to my daughter when hers did precisely that[/quote]

Which is exactly the reason why they officially have not been called laptops for years, with the term notebook now used.

I have put those little rubber sticky feet things on under my laptop (you know, the sort of things used under chairs to stop them scratching floor surfaces etc). This raises the "notebook" up a little more, thereby increasing the airflow out of it. Surprised that the manufacturers have never thought of doing something like that, but there you go. I have less and less faith in designers as the days pass....

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If I use my laptop on my lap, I have to have it sitting just right so the vents for the cooling fan are hanging out past my leg. Mustnt press Enter too hard or the thing will flip over onto the floor!

Anyway, its getting on a bit, so I took the back off and cleaned out all the accumulated fluff that was in the heatsink and fan blades, which made a noticeable difference.


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I know diddly squat about Macs but as far as Intel and AMD machines running XP go there is free utility HERE which reduces the CPU speed when on battery which obviously will also reduce power dissipation and thus heat, not to mention making the battery last longer [:)]

There is no guarantee that it will work universally or on a MAC but nothing to be lost by trying it. From memory I think if it isn't compatible it will say so when you try to install it. 

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Stands a good chance of working as Macs use Intel chips anyway these days.

One thing to avoid at all costs is to use a laptop when it is resting on a blanket or a carpet.  I've lost count of the laptops I've had to open up and hoover out fluff because they were overheating.

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I use a totally passive method for cooling and jacking up the back of this laptop. It's called "French Women Don't Get Fat " by Mirille Guillano. As a book it is a bucket load of pony poo, but it does a good job for the laptop [8-|][8-|][I] !

There must be a LOAD of fat women that speak VERY good French that are not French [8-)]?

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i seem to remember someone mentioning that book.

he/she had browsed it in an airport shop, along with another one called something like "Why japanese women don't get fat"

he/she said dont bother to buy either of them because the summary will do.

book 1: portion control

book 2: portion control and bean sprouts!

thanks for the advice everyone.

am reassured anyway that the heat is normal and not my computer about to blow up (guarantee runs out in a couple of weeks!)
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Glad to find so many Mac users.  [8-|]

Have you ever noticed that we rave about our Macs - and have you ever heard anyone say "oooooh, I just LOVE my PC" ?????

Interestingly, there are times when my iBook gets hot but not so that I have ever had to rest it on anything.  The ventilation is at the back by the lid hinge.  It might depend on the model.

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Seem to have started something here.

I only mentioned that it was a mac in my opening post just in case that had a bearing on it getting hot!

but now that you come to mention it, macs are great aren't they!!

they never get viruses.

and so reliable.

my original one in bright green, purchased last century, is still going strong.
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And anybody who ever used an Amiga seriously knows that for the time its interface wiped the floor with either Mac (I've had one for several years and I've trained on them) or PC (I've earned my living on them for years).

Unfortunately the whole marketing drive for the Amiga positioned it as a games machine and the lack of a decent set of office (small 'o') software relegated it to niche applications.

As for the current UI, I find the fact that you can only resize a Mac window by grabbing the bottom right-hand corner frankly laughable.

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