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France Telecom, AGAIN, who else?

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Apologies in advance as I'm going on, yet again, about France Telecom.

This is no new problem and I must be boring regular members of the Forum to death with this one. 

Here is a recap (for those few people who haven't yet read about this!):

Applied for FT line last year when we first arrived.  Contacted FT, gave bank account details (as one is required to do).  FT, of course, started taking Direct Debits from our bank account.

No line for 3 months whilst they faffed about trying to get a poteau (post) outside our house which is on a main road.  Eventually got line, signed up for ADSL, the works.

Last month, released from contract with FT, changed to Neuf and cancelled landline as well as broadband with FT.

In the meantime, have written about 6 times and rung about 12 times for refund for the 3 months in which we had nil service.

Last month, wrote to FT and also to the bank (thank you, Clair, for sample letters) cancelling everything.

Today, facture from FT for line rental from 20 August (when I cancelled) to 19 Sept (time for next facture).

Fuming or what?  But, where do I go from here?

They owe me money for 3 month's rental including for ADSL which I never had and they want me to pay for this month's rental (when the line's been cut off)!

Never thought I'd rather deal with BT but this is what I feel en ce moment because, at least with BT, I can vent my spleen in a language I know well and can use with real invective!

Advice, suggestions, commiseration, whatever needed in large, generous doses!

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[quote user="sweet 17"]

...at least with BT, I can vent my spleen in a language I know well and can use with real invective!


You speak Hindi then?

(Sorry, couldn't resist that dig at BT customer services. I can't offer any advice so commiserations will have to do)

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[quote user="Benjamin"]

Maybe worth a visit, after all they are France Telecom. [/quote]

I can second Benjamin's suggestion; if I have had a 'petit soucis' with whoever in France then a quick personal visit ... et voilà ... and all is satisfactorily sorted out.


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