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Neuf and Languages

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Having just moved house within France I have changed ISP from Tele 2   to Neuf.  All works well but I have a couple of questions for the experts if I may.

1. On Tele 2  I could select an answer phone message in English, it was useful, is there the same facility on Neuf?  Also Neufs facility for placing your own message on the answer phone, via their website, does not seem to work any ideas please.

2. I have lived over here for 10 years, but still have great problems with the language over the telephone, I suffer from Tinitus, does anyone know if Neuf has any English-speaking operators that you can request to speak to?

3. and last,  I read in one post that it is possible to use a second phone on the system by using another ADSL filter from a second phone outlet.  Does this really work? it never did on Tele2 and I have always used  a pair of wireless phones.


Thank you



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