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Have started losing ITV1, 2 and 4. Picture breaking up on ITV1 and message 'technical fault' on 2&4. Have probably had the problem on and off for about a week.

OH is distraught, couldn't watch the qualifying for Grand Prix today and reception looks doubtful for the big event tomorrow [:'(]

Any help would be great. All other channels are perfect.


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You don't say what equipment you are using, but it sounds as if you're getting a reduced signal from your dish.

It's slightly odd that it is only effecting the ITV channels.What problems did you experience earlier this week?

Have you had any strong winds that have moved the dish slightly?

I would certainly be suspicious of the dish/LNB.


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Thanks for the reply Tim

Problems earlier in the week were exactly the same, breakup of picture etc but only on ITV. We have had a few storms over last couple of weeks with gusty wind but nothing too strong.

We have a Grundig skybox. The system test shows strength about 60% and the quality is wavering between 10& 15%.

Last weekend in order to watch Grand Prix we unplugged at mains and picture on ITV lasted for a couple of hours before breaking up. This afternoon after posting we lost all channels so unplugged at mains and picture on all channels lasted for a couple of hours. All channels have now either broken up or technical fault etc. The picture after unplugging is perfect.

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[quote user="Poppy"]

We have a Grundig skybox. The system test shows strength about 60% and the quality is wavering between 10& 15%. [/quote]

After a gusty few days the picture on our TV was beginning to break up occasionally, seeing that the quality on our box went down to 25% OH shinned up a ladder and moved the dish ever-so-slightly and since then quality level is back to 80% and all is fine again.

Sue [:)]


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Well, Sky boxes do not give anywhere near reliable figures as far as signal strength and quality is concerned - but, having said that, the figures you quote are too low for a good quality picture. As I said before, I still think that the problem lies with the dish alignment, or the 'skew' of the lnb. To start, try loosening the bolt that holds the lnb in place and twist it one way then the other and look to see if you see any improvement in the picture.The lnb should not be mounted verticaly in it's holder, it should be at approximately between the "twenty five and twenty to" position when looking at the dish from the front. ( I think that's correct. I don't take too much notice of the exact position when I put up a dish, I just rely on getting a decent signal. If I've got that wrong, someone elase on here will correct me) If that doesn't help, then you may have to re-align the dish.  Make some marks on the brackets that hold the dish and then slightly loosen the nuts and move the dish a little. Only do this if you feel confident enough ( I wouldn't want to be responsible for you loosing everything) and it is safe to do so (health and safety). The marks will help you put the dish back to it's original position if you can't make any improvement. If not, then you will have to get someone in for you. If you have no luck, then don't forget that the race will be shown on TF1.

I hope this will be of some help.

Regards - Tim

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Many thanks for the offer Ernie, will keep that in mind as we are 'lost' just about 8k from Prayssac.

All channels are fine this morning so didn't dare touch anything before the race. Picture will probably break up 5 mins before the start [:D]

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I know we should have French tele but I couldn't live here without English television [:(]  I know very sad, but true.

Still have a picture, watching race at the moment it's looking a bit damp!!!. Just wondered if Lewis is trying to see how many penalty points he can get in one race, he has already knocked three cars off the track [:D]

Discovered something strange this morning when we put ITV4 on it was broken up, it then appeared to corrupt all the other channels which were fine until then. We had to unplug and all well on ITV1 now for 4hrs haven't dare try ITV4 again.

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I totally disagree about Hamilton! He only nearly knocked 3 cars off... [:P]

What a result! I think that it will take till the Singapore GP for them to be able to get the smile off Vittel's face!! And fancy Fiat not winning at Monza, the mafia will be upset? They will have to make do with a second string Fiat engine doing so? [:-))]

Fantastic race...

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Yes, great race we saw all of it -picture still OK but haven't touched ITV4.

Lovely smile reminded me of a young Michael S.

Plenty of feedback pre race about relationship between F1 and that Italian car beginning with F [:D]

OK he 'nudged' three cars, at that point I thought he was going to go through the whole field, sweet revenge for nobody supporting him last week.

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Well there is a rumour, only a rumour, that FIA = Furryary Improvement Assosiation? But remember that it's only a rumour and I don't think that it had anything tod do with Massa not getting even a finger wag and Hammy-baby getting 25 seconds?

Rumour only, remember!![Www]

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I understand only a rumour  FIA= 

Very good, really made me laugh and many a true word etc.

It seems also that if the FIA don't get him McC will. Wouldn't blame him if he went off to America.

Television picture still OK since ten this morning, haven't gone near ITV4 but will try it tomorrow and see if it messes up the other channels, how strange.

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