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Illegal downloading in France

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The French government recently introduced legislation to try and prevent illegal downloading from peer to peer web sites. Basically if you are identified as having illegally downloaded material on three occasions the ISP has to disconnect your internet connection. A government monitoring unit has been set up for the purpose. The theory is you get two written warnings before being cut off.

Now the EU Parliment has voted by a substantial margin to makes the 'three strikes and your out' policy illegal.

It will be interesting to see what the French now decide to do. My best guess is they will ignore it along with many other EU directives. This policy was one of Sarkozy's priorities on coming to office. Why? Most of his political party's financial backers during the election belong to the music and entertainment industry.
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[quote user="Logan"]The French government recently introduced legislation to try and prevent illegal downloading from peer to peer web sites....[/quote]
After a vote in the European Parliament, it would appear this legislation (loi HADOPI) is now obsolete:
http://blog.lefigaro.fr/hightech/2008/09/la-loi-hadopi-mise-a-mal-par-l.html (in google English HERE)
http://www.lefigaro.fr/politique/2008/10/06/01002-20081006ARTFIG00495-sarkozy-prend-la-plume-contre-le-telechargement-.php (in google English HERE)


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