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Any neuf-box savvy users out there, please?

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Had a "first" today with my neuf box.  Have had it all of about a month or two.

A message came up to "appuyer" the button at the top of the box and, below that, another message asking for identification.

I tried my name then my email address (seems to have made no difference).

Then I had to put in a password.  I tried all the passwords that I thought I would have loaded (all the usual suspects as I live in dread of forgetting passwords).......none worked.

On closer examination, I realised I could just use the code on the box itself.  Did that and, oh joy, the green light duly came on.

Now, however, I am unable to use the wi fi function!  Grrh................no fun as I shall once again be banished to the coldest bedroom in the house instead of using my puter in comfort in front of the fire and with the dog and the OH to keep me company.

Anyone able to tell me how to reactivate wi fi?  PLEASE explain slowly and clearly as I am not a happy bunny at the moment and I am totally ignorant of all things even remotely electronic.

Thank you in advance.

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Clair, have been fiddling about with it; found an address to go to that is similar to the one you posted.

Checked as much as I know how.  Seems to be all connected "aucun poste connecté".

Looked at "Configuration" and that had Etat:  erreur interne in red.  Does that mean it's my d-link add-on that's the problem?

If it is, then it will be beyond my capability to do anything about it and I will have to go see Mr Ordinateur.  Damn

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One last suggestion, assuming you have found your Neufbox address:

in the list of menus, there should be Maintenance listed.

Within that Maintenance menu, there is an option called Rétablir la configuration initiale. That should take you back to your Neufbox default setup.

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Clair, thanks for your patience and willingness to help (as always).

Went to Maintenance and "redémarr-ed".  No difference.

I know the wi fi function is on because the light is on but will go check on the installation of the d plus thingy.

In the meantime, must go over to the neighbour's as my OH thinks someone is in their house (and they are away in the UK!)

Unless I get shot dead or in anyway harmed, I'll be back!

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Just in case you were worried about me, Clair, here I am quite sound and safe.

OH was quite sure he heard footsteps from upstairs in the neighbour's house after he pretended to shut the front door and leave.  I went over with the dog to stand guard by the door.  But, if there had been someone, they'd gone!

OH said he had a sixth sense about it as he'd visited thousands of empty houses in his professional life and had also caught intruders in the past.

Didn't like to argue, especially as the dog had also been a bit twitchy earlier on and barking for no reason that I could see.

Oh well, all systems go other than that of my wi fi!

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Hi Doux, I have just been talking to a mate with a Nurfbox. His URL (?) is and it is the same as for Liveox. The User name is his phone number (or yours in your case?) and the pass word is an 8 digit code. On the Livebox you can change the language to English, but it looks as if you are stuck with French, domage?

Something you could do is click on Start --- Settings --- Network Connections. This will give you a window showing the network possibilities for your laptop. Look at the wifi option and if it is showing disconnected then double click on the wifi icon area. It should then give a smaller window with the option to Connect at the bottom. Click on that. Either it will ask for the WEP key or go strainght into the connect sequence. If it asks for the key then it is on the underside of the box as said before.

Good luck!!

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Jonz, thanks for going to so much trouble.

Followed your instructions but, by the time I got to double clicking the wifi option, I had a screen that said that "Windows cannot configure...."

So, then I tried to set up a wifi network but it said I had to do something with a flash drive.

What the devil is a flash drive, any idea?

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The 'flash drive' bit could be if you are going to configure more machines. Then you copy the config to it and it saves you going through the rigamorole again. A USB key or similar. As you are only doing one PC you don't need that so just use the option not to use it, sorry I can't remember the details.

Failing that a 'flash drive' could be a nice trip through the countryside in a huge chauffeur driven Merc? No, sorry getting a bit carried away there![8-)]

Is there a 'pairing' button on the Neufbox? If so it is probably the case that you will have to press that when you try to connect. That tells the box to look for a wifi machine that is trying to connect to it and has the correct WEP key. The idea is to stop any Tom, Dick or Fred being able to access your PC from outside.

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On Windows XP

To check if your wifi adapter is working properly:

Make sure it is plugged in if it is a dongle or card.

right click on My Computer, select properties, click on Hardware tab then select Device Manager. Click on the little + sign next to Network adapters, you will see the wifi adapter listed with its name and it will say wireless or wifi somewhere. If when you click on it, it says this device is working properly, then you can proceed to the neufbox page instructions. If there is a yellow question mark or exclamation mark on the list then it is not properly installed. Let us know what happens.



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Danny & Jane, lots of kisses for now, no time yet to go through your suggestions but thanks anyway.

Will report back later.  Just returned from French class, got to feed dog, not to mention husband so that he can go off to his table tennis club.

What it is to be a woman!  After all that, I shall have time to come back and work through the stuff and I shall defo post later!

à tout à l'heure!


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Hi, guys, many, many thanks for all the help, suggestions, etc.

Can't get anything to work.  Tried everything you have told me to do.

Neuf box says wifi, everything connected.

But, against the D Link Plus, etc, there is a very large red cross.

No worry, I can work OK here, just not able to go wifi...........not the end of the world and, no doubt, I will get it working because this room is cold and unwelcoming so I will be truly motivated to get the wifi function so that I can speak to you all from the comfort of my sitting-room.

Many thanks for trying to help.  I am sure the fault lies entirely with me. 

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[quote user="sweet 17"]

But, against the D Link Plus, etc, there is a very large red cross.


aha, that gives us a fat clue that all is not OK with the adapter.  The simplest thing to try is to right click on the adapter in the device manager list and click on Enable if it is there. If it still doesn't function, you may need to reinstall it. Let us know if you would like more help with this.



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Danny, tried the blinking lot:  enable, reinstall, enable again, etc.

Thing is, it says "enabled" but then reverts to "disabled" when I try to unplug the connection and try to go wifi.

Just as well I am a patient soul or I would have thrown the whole lot out the window!

It did look promising at one stage, all the little green lights on the D link card thingy blinking overtime and I thought I was in luck!

Nevermind, accept that I probably need some hands-on twiddling from "one who knows"!

Many thanks for all your patience.  It's so good of you to be even interested......thanks.


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I have the feeling that the D-link adapter is behaving badly. You could check if on the D-link website for the latest drivers and download and install the latest driver for your model. I have read that there have been some conflicts with certain Windows updates.

Is it possible to borrow another wifi dongle or card? You would have to install it but it won't take long to do that. I have a Belkin which works fine. The Netgear cards have a good reputation. You can get them pretty cheap now.

Good luck. It might be worth spending a few euros to get you out of that cold room...


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Danny, for sure, its' worth spending a few euros.

Not only is the room cold, I am incommunicado with the OH and the dog![:(]

Will be resolving this in a few days because the forecast is for the weather to go colder.  Nothing like a bit of discomfort to motivate one to improve things, is there?

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