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DVD Recorder

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Is it possible to connect an english VHS player:recorder to a french TV and DVD recorder to copy old VHS tapes to DVD's.???   We have bought a DVD recoredr and after a lesson from the man from Auchan can now copy from the sky decoder and french TV, but we  cannot work out how the copy the aforementioned, although the man from auchan said it is possible.  Could it be because its an old UK VHS recorder?


Thanks in anticipation



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Yes, it is possible.  My own is set up so that I play the VHS on the telly, and the DVD recorder records in real time what the telly is playing.  However, my TV has four scart sockets so this is a relatively easy wiring job.  One of the biggest problems, imo, is getting sufficient inputs/outputs and getting them in the correct order -  I doubt it has much to do with the age of the VHS player or the origins of your kit.  One of the gurus will no doubt be along to explain it but I can assure you that it can be done!
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Yes there is scart at back of VHS recorder  and at the front there is a yellow and white jack input, no red? tried connecting to both of these with the relevant connectors but does not show up on av3 that it is connected to TV/DVD.  I have connected my digital video camera to the same input and this works, any advice?    I being the OH!!



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Probably the order you want is :

Scart from VHS recorder to Sky Box socket ( called VCR in )

Then Scart from Sky Box to DVD recorder

Then Scart from DVD recorder to TV.

If the DVD recorder will still record SKY. Watch Sky on the TV. Switch off the Sky Box and Play a VCR. If this works rewind the VCR and start the DVD recorder just as you would if you were recoding SKY but with the VCR on and the Sky box off.



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