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France Telecom Bless them ...

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Dissconnected phone line ..sent back live box...done via FT shop recorded delivery letter to Orange end of contract period. Then ..FT "you owe us E35.22 " Me "No I dont " FT via debt collector agency Pay up or legal action we can even stop your bank account working if you dont pay...Mrs F advises send cash shut them up..did what I was told .... Today about 9 months after the event in post Cheque E35.22 "Remboursement double paiement .."...All they need is time ...they get there in the end ..bless them !
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I disagree vehemently, Frederick, they DON'T always get there in the end.

They still owe me for 3 months telephone and broadband for when I didn't even have a telegraph post nevermind a line and that was 18 months ago.

Several registered letters and even more phone calls............no acknowledgement, nothing.

Just got to post this so that people aren't under the impression that God's in his heaven, all's right with the world and FT will pay you back what's due to you![:@]

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