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Connecting iPaq to NeuBox WiFi

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Hi - I have recently changed from Alice ADSL to SFR/Neufbox ADSL. No problems with the changeover and in fact, we went from circa 700kbs to a little over 2MBs. Great thus far. I have connected the NeufBox via Ethernet and have 4 PC's running off it, as I did with Alice.

Here's where the problem kicks in. With Alice I was able to connect the 2 PDAs (iPaq hw6915 Windows Mobile 5) no problem. The onboard WiFi on the iPaqs picked up the WiFi signal and once the key was input off they went. BUT, with NeufBox they will not connect.

In the connections settings for the iPaqs I have tried to input the 20 element WiFi key that is quoted on the base of the router. This is the same key I have used for the PCs. The iPaqs not only wont connect but each time I go back into the settings the key has been reduced to a smaller key. The iPaqs see the router and identify it correctly. In the Authentication section of the config set up, I'm asked what type of authentication. Options are Open - Shared - WPA - WPA-PSK. I have chosen WPA-PSK. The only Data Encryption choice I have is TKIP. I can insert the 20 digit key but it will not connect. (When I look into the Properties of my NeufBox WiFi ADSL connection on the config application for SFR on my host PC it shows as WPA security type and the Encryption type is AES. I have changed this to TKIP and entered the 20 digit key but nothing.)

Any of you clever folks have any idea what I'm doing wrong or havent done? Cheers.  [8-)][8-)]

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Are you sure number on bottom of router is not a MAC address?

Odd for a WEP or WPA to be on the router.

Are the PDAs showing the same SSID as the PCs connected on LAN?

What is the default WEP active on the WiFi configuration page accessible via one of the PC with Internet Browser and how many characters?

Are you entering the WPA number close packed without hyphens?

You mat be getting truncation because hyphen spaces are being included in the character count.

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[quote user="pachapapa"]

Are you sure number on bottom of router is not a MAC address?

Odd for a WEP or WPA to be on the router.

Are the PDAs showing the same SSID as the PCs connected on LAN?  YES

What is the default WEP active on the WiFi configuration page accessible via one of the PC with Internet Browser and how many characters? This is a 20 digit code which is shown on the base of my router, on the browser page for my router, and the same as I have used on all connected PCs.

Are you entering the WPA number close packed without hyphens? Yes - exactly as shown - no spaces or anything

You mat be getting truncation because hyphen spaces are being included in the character count. No - when I insert the key, it shows only 20 asterixs.


Thanks pachapapa - Its all looking correct but no connection

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according to one page I read on the SFR site, the code on the back/bottom of the box is the WEP key...

It may be that the best thing is to go into the modem configuration pages by entering in the address bar of your browser. All the instructions are on this page


select "wifi", then "chiffrement" and choose WPA. There should be a key listed. If not, there is a little icon to generate a new key. if you make a new key, you will need to use this key for all the other computers too. Copy this key to use.

Check that filtrage MAC is disabled (désactivé)

then make sure you click on 'valider' to save your changes.

good luck


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Strange that they wont connect, from your second post I assume you have one PC hard connected to LAN socket and the other three on Wi Fi.

Never used a PDA but I am on an akoya netbook at moment with N connexion to a G Alice Box.

I have sometimes had problems connecting laptops using a USB WiFi key and the reason has been that the box is on a fixed channel usually Channel 7 in default; although I sometimes change a box to high channel japanese frequency which is illegal in france BUT effectively removes any need for WEP, WPA, MAC, etc, the USB key keeps scanning repetitively all frequencies and never locks on to the stable box frequency.  The way to solve this is to check the Box frequency; then open the WiFi driver software Graphic User Interface then select the Advanced option ; this will activate all the configuration parameters which are normally greyed out under the General Tab.

Then enter all relevant parameters SSID, WEP/WPA, etc and also the Channel frequency in agreement with Box frequency; the laptop will then connect and the configuration entered will remain in default.

The already configured secured french FAI Boxes can sometimes be awkward to connect to for the uninitiated as the standard Windows Wizard does not work FOR ME with either XP or Vista.  It is possible often to connect IF the box MAC address filter is disactivated and the manual configure a home WiFi connection option with the Windows Wizard is used.

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Cheers folks for the responses.

Danny - in chiffrement - the key is visible in character format (so that you can identify the actual characters) and its as I have input into the other PC's and iPaqs. I know it off by heart (how sad is that). MAC is désactivé. The only options for systeme are - désactivé - WEP - WPA-PSK. The latter is the default and is the system I have established on the guests.

pachapapa -

[quote]The way to solve this is to check the Box frequency; then open the WiFi driver software Graphic User Interface then select the Advanced option ; this will activate all the configuration parameters which are normally greyed out under the General Tab.

Then enter all relevant parameters SSID, WEP/WPA, etc and also the Channel frequency in agreement with Box frequency; the laptop will then connect and the configuration entered will remain in default.

The already configured secured french FAI Boxes can sometimes be awkward to connect to for the uninitiated as the standard Windows Wizard does not work FOR ME with either XP or Vista.  It is possible often to connect IF the box MAC address filter is disactivated and the manual configure a home WiFi connection option with the Windows Wizard is used. [/quote]

This will take me a few re-reads to understand but I'll have a go at it tonight when I get back.

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You can also change the channel (canal) on the 'configuration générale' page of the wifi tab

http://assistance-neufbox.sfr.fr/sfr/internet/neufbox/fichetech.do?id=50159&type=RichDataSheet It may be easier this way

I think Pachapapa was suggesting doing the same thing (changing the channel) on the PDA wifi adapter software - not on the neufbox. Either way, if you try all the channels you will soon find out if that is the problem or not.


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Yeah affirmative because if the the canal/channel is changed manually on the Box Configuration Génerale then the other 3 PCs on WiFi connection may well not connect. The example Config Window in your link shows Canal 11.

As there are already 3 PCs successfully connected on WLAN, my presumption is that the problem is with the PDAs so changing the Box may just complicate and increase the configuration workload.  Just trying to keep it simple.

Strange annoying things can happen to secured boxes; yesterday I downloaded a programme called We Fi to my XP netbook, it didnt do anything overmuch apart from replacing the Windows Icon with a Butterfly Icon. I uninstalled the whole lot immediately, ran CCleaner and Comodo Registry Cleaner.  However the next time I booted the Netbook it did not connect automatically to the AliceBox, an immediate check of the properties revealed that the mode had been changed to "à la Demande". Thankyou We Fi. Ok I changed the properties of the connect to Automatic and all is back to normal. The point is that the manner of changing the connexion properties would not be self evident.

The apparent truncation of the WPA key on PDA but not the other PCs makes me wonder if these beasts have soft limiting the character string length.

This is an interesting thread with a novel problem; I hope the OP keeps his eager viewers informed.[:)]

P.S. I see the the other current bog standard Trojan perennial thread is fast getting bogged down by the I luv FF OP brigade who seem seriously to be proposing to leave an active Trojan on board in their evangelical zeal to kick Internet Explorer in the " ghoulies".[:D]

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I have just done a google search in french and it would appear that the OP is not alone with his problem.

It could be that his PDA will ONLY connect in "b", 11 mbs and the NeufBox in "g" or Auto may be denying the connexion.



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Je viens de reviser la fiche technique du produit HP et effectivement ça marche que avec .11b.

C'est vraiment dommage que avec la sortie génerale des box MIMO en France d'avoir la nécessité de utiliser un débit de 11 mbs en lieu de 300 mbs.[:D][:P]

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Hi guys - quick lunch beside PC and PDA. Here's the update. I have been into the router config and changed the settings as described above. Then set the PDA to WEP and inserted the 13 characters. WOW - off she goes like a whippet.

BUT - the WiFi connections from all the guest PCs fails having changed their encryption to WEP and so on.There is no way that I can see to get the guest PC's to connect. The host (as you rightly said earlier) is connected to the router by Ethernet.

I was nearly opening a Guinness then ..............

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two steps forward, one step backwards...

On each PC, click on the wireless connections icon in the system tray, then 'view wireless networks'.

This should show your Neufbox. Click on 'refresh network list' and you should see the Neufbox again, click on 'connect' and enter the correct info for WEP.

good luck


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[quote user="Jane and Danny"]

If that is the case, I assume that the OP used WEP instead of WPA with his Alice box when everything was working OK...




Affirmative assuming the old AliceBox was a Sagem 3302; it come with WEP as default configuration but with WPA and Aucune as alternative options. I believe the new Alice/FerrariBox has WPA2.

I would have thought that HP would have had a MAJ to patch WPA.

The justneuf site is very informative but one has to register to use the search engine.

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Voila, merci beaucoup - et tres bien mes amis. Thaks guys for the class input. Pachapapa that article was spot and and Danny your refresh move was bang on. I just had to reconfig to Shared - WEP and the 13 character key for both Windows and the software for the WiFi cards.

Cheers guys - Guinness on me [B][B][:D]

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