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Complete France Forum

Radon Gas Map of French Sites?

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Does anybody know if any areas in France particularly the Limousin/ Dordogne borders have a problem with radon gas accumulating in properties and presenting a health hazard as in parts of the West Country in the UK. I ask because part of our French property is built directly onto granite type rock and our basement is chiselled out of the rock. Has anybody any knowledge of a French web site with this info? I have done a search but not found much of relevance. I will ask at the Marie of course.
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As far as I know, the French equivalent of our our National Radiological Protection Board (if it exists at all) keeps a very low profile - a fact probably not unconnected with the French liking for generating electricity by nuclear power. Have you tried http://www.greenpeace.org?

For those who might get the wrong impression, although radon gas and associated radiation are often associated with the nuclear industry, particularly the dumping of spent fuel, they do in fact occur naturally at quite high levels in areas with a high concentration of rocks like granite.


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