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Livebox pro vs livebox

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Hi All

I had a livebox pro and have swapped it for a livebox.

I have since noticed a few differences...

1. The bluetooth is not there any more... although I do not think it is useable anyway.

2. I can only connect 2 computers via wifi whereas with the pro it could connect more.

So my question is what are the differences....


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You should be able to connect as many computers you want to Livebox via wifi.  When you set your

network connection on your computer, remember to push the button at the base of the livebox.

See the instructions here:  http://london-seo.com/orange-broadband-livebox-installation-help/78/

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I am quite an expert on trying to get the wifi to work... but the problem for me was that after connecting 2 computers the 3rd would not connect even after already having been connected.  I think it may connect if I were closer but that is not an option.

After disconnecting one computer the other was able to connect.

I have been trying to change the pro for a normal livebox for ages now but I have a feel that the pro is a pro for a reason... I think it may have a better spec.



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I was on the orange site the other day (trying to work out why a vista laptop keeps falling off the internet, when xp ones do not), and read that the livebox can accept as many computers wirelessly, although they recommend no more than 6 otherwise your speed will drop.

If you need something to boost the signal to where your third computer is, then you can get from orange two plugs that go into the mains. One of the plugs is connected to the livebox via an ethernet cable and the other plugs near your furthest computer away and provides a wireless extension.

As for bluetooth, we have the normal livebox and this has bluetooth capabilities, but like yourself, have never found a reason to use it.

As for the livebox pro, I've never heard of it.

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I agree with LindaRichard.  It doesn't make sense that the livebox would have a limit on a third

computer connection, so it must be something with the way you are configuring your connection.  I posted the following

on another thread:

I also recommend dumping Explorer and trying Firefox.

I purchased a laptop recently with Vista x64, and when I tried to install the livebox software via

the CD Orange originally furnished, the computer informed me it was incompatible with Vista.  I called Orange's

help line - what a joke and what a waste of time.  After hemming and hawing, and having me run through

the same configuration checks over and over, the techie told me I'd have to make a telephone rendezvous

with an 'expert' who would help me with my problem, that apparently I had too many computers using

the livebox and the expert would find a way to resolve this.  That sounded like total rubbish to me, especially

when informed that the call would cost 30 euros! 

After searching, I found the site below, followed the instructions and the Internet installed on the Vista laptop

with no problems - I rarely if ever lose the connection.  In short, it was just a matter of pressing the little

button on the bottom of livebox, which I'm sure is what the 'expert' would have had me do after about

15 minutes of useless reconfiguations.


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Mortstiff, is there any particular reason why you want the Orange c r a p software on your PC? You can manualy config your machines to run perfectly well without that load of intrusive pony on your systems. Without it, at boot up the line comes up automatically and it is not taking systen facilities away from your system. The best thing that you can do is go into your control panel, add remove programmes and get rid of it. It is not needed. IMHO.

By the way, I tried firefox and chucked it out, didn't like it. Now I am on IE8 and perfectly happy with it thank you...

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The reasons why I want Orange crap on my PC?  Okay, I can't think of any.  The reasons why I don't?  Well, they are

scum-sucking liars whose techies don't have a clue about computers, they rip off their customers, and they are French.

You didn't read my post clearly - I originally thought the only way I could get my Internet connection was by installing

their software.  But their software isn't compatible with Vista anyway.  Then I learned you don't need their crap at all.

Of course, I had to learn this on my own, because Orange runs a scam where they try to get customers to agree to

their 30€ telephone rendezvous.  Have I ever had an Orange tech person help me with any of my problems since

I've used their services?  No.  Have they been able to answer a single question I have asked about basic stuff, like

how to connect?  No.

When I used IE, my computer was overrun by all sorts of malware.  Maybe their more recent versions are more

stable.  Good luck, but I've never had any problems with Firefox, and their add-ons (Firefox extensions) are tremendous.

Also, what I like is that one add-on allows you to access IE through Firefox, just in case that is necessary.

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If it helps I bought one of THESE and turned off the wireless on my Livebox.

The reason for buying it was that I also had a few problems with wireless connectivity with multiple machines and in particular a wireless HP Officejet. I also had ranging problems as well. I already had a small switched hub which is plugged in to one port of the Livebox with a couple of PCs connected to it and the Netgear Access Point is also plugged in to it. The other port on the Livebox is used for my TV with some Liveplugs to get the signal up to the TV Decoder.

I have access all round the house (about 250 M2) on two levels and in to the garden a bit as well. We allow guests to connect to the Internet via the wireless connection and have had about 8 or 9 machines using the connection at the same time without a problem. I don't use any of the Orange software for either hardwired or Wifi connections, the latter will find the wireless network immediately anyway with Windows XP, I assume it does the same with Vista.

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Quillan, the blurb on this router is very promising and that's of interest to me, as our range is somewhat limited by the house thick walls and the fact that the neufbox is at the furthest end of the house as far as paying visitors are concerned.

Thanks for that, I'll look into it.I'll look into it

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[quote user="Clair"]Quillan, the blurb on this router is very promising and that's of interest to me, as our range is somewhat limited by the house thick walls and the fact that the neufbox is at the furthest end of the house as far as paying visitors are concerned.
Thanks for that, I'll look into it.I'll look into it


You might also consider something like THIS to go with it and move it towards the centre of the house. I have not given a specific model as it depends on what speed etc you want. If you only have a couple then an 85Mbs version will probably be OK.

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[quote user="Mortstiff"]The reasons why I want Orange crap on my PC?  Okay, I can't think of any.  The reasons why I don't?  Well, they are
scum-sucking liars whose techies don't have a clue about computers, they rip off their customers, and they are French.

You didn't read my post clearly - I originally thought the only way I could get my Internet connection was by installing
their software.  But their software isn't compatible with Vista anyway.  Then I learned you don't need their crap at all.
Of course, I had to learn this on my own, because Orange runs a scam where they try to get customers to agree to
their 30€ telephone rendezvous.  Have I ever had an Orange tech person help me with any of my problems since
I've used their services?  No.  Have they been able to answer a single question I have asked about basic stuff, like
how to connect?  No.

When I used IE, my computer was overrun by all sorts of malware.  Maybe their more recent versions are more
stable.  Good luck, but I've never had any problems with Firefox, and their add-ons (Firefox extensions) are tremendous.
Also, what I like is that one add-on allows you to access IE through Firefox, just in case that is necessary.


It is a bit difficult to take your post very seriously when you write such offensive things - you don't want Orange crap on your PC because they are French?!?

There are millions of Orange customers in France and millions of Vista users of Liveboxes. I am sure that most of them will have used the Orange installation CD. I know my friend did on his Vista computer. I personally wouldn't bother but it makes it very easy for many people who are not computer savvy.

I suspect that you are not fluent in French. Correct me if I am wrong. If it is not easy over the telephone, did you not read the instructions that came with the livebox about pressing the 'bouton d'association' for wifi connections? There is also heaps of info about this on the Orange website, for example on this page
and this page here

You appear to have had a difficult time with Orange assistance but I don't think it is fair to call them "scum sucking liars" who "rip off their customers" especially if it was caused by misunderstandings.

For Osie,

it appears that it is not possible to disable the wifi association on the livebox so Quillan's suggestion is possibly the best bet for extending your range.

It certainly is possible to connect many computers wirelessly to the livebox... see this page it would seem the problem lies elsewhere or maybe you have a faulty box?


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I am sorry I offended you.  However, you did take my comments out of context.  True, I did say that Orange (the company, not the fruit, just so there are no further misunderstandings) is comprised of 'scum-sucking liars,' but that was only part of the phrase.  More accurately, I wrote 'scum-sucking liars whose techies don't have a clue about computers.'  And I stand by that claim and have the documents, tapes, DNA, etc. to prove them.  Yes, they are French, but this was not meant as a slight against all French, which would include myself and my friends (also French) who have similar views about and experiences with the company.  I might just as well have said, 'and they are human beings,' although that would obviously have been less precise than 'and they are French.'  If we were living in Slovenia--a fine country, I might add--I probably would have written, 'and they are Slovenians.'  You see what I mean?  Maybe not.  Ask Jane.  And before you holler at me anymore, bear in mind that the only reason I took the time to contribute to this thread was to give benevolently-motivated advice and to share my experiences, however sordid they may be.  I guess you could say that my attitude is, 'misery loves company' (don't worry, I won't add, 'because misery is French.' so as not to further upset you!). 

Meanwhile, back on planet Earth, the Netgear box looks promising and I plan to further investigate.

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