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ADSL internet connection

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>Does anyone know if it's possible
>to get ADSL in the
>Herault region. We're moving there
>next year, but I have
>a computer company and will
>be opening another branch there,
>so our choice of exact
>town will be governed by
>available technology.

ISDN is slowly arriving in larger towns in France (40,000 inhabitants and over), so it depends whether you are in a main town or not. Otherwise the best you can get will be France Telecom's Numeris Itoo service which is ISDN at 64Kbps.


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>Does anyone know if it's possible
>to get ADSL in the
>Herault region.

http://www.netissimo.tm.fr has a facility for entering your postcode to check for ADSL availability.

Netissimo is part of France Telecom and all providers currently use the FT ADSL service, at least in the backwoods.

The best option is the pack Extense.

You have to retain your regular line rental on top of the ADSL rental and so, if you need more than one line anyway, you may well find that ISDN Itoo plus a communincations "forfait" from an ISP is a better deal.
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