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French TV in the UK - how do I get the best reception?

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I have been trying to understand all the jargon for satellite TV, and French TV programmes.

I have searched this forum and apologies if this has already been asked but I couldn't find it.

I want to receive the free satellite tv programmes from France to view in the UK.  I can use a dish, a humax satellite box and my French tv to get UK TV in France, can I buy a similar French box to bring to the UK to watch French TV in Yorkshire?

If so what box should I buy in France  and where from? I don't want any of the encrypted channels (that you pay for) and I don't want to record programmes either.

The magazine for What Satellite advertises packages for £250 but I have an old sky 60cm dish and hope to use that. So all I really need is the box and a wire - and of course the TV.

Many thanks


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Lyza, at the moment it is a bit complicated and the situation is going to change as the french analog service is switched off over the next year or two and the digital (TNT) services takes over.

There are a few ways to get French TV by satellite but probably the simplest method to receive all the TNT channels is to buy a TNTSAT decoder box. Available in most brico or electrical places in France. This comes in two version SD (standard definition) and HD (high definition) and a few brands. There are now 4 or 5 HD channels being broadcast if you are interested. The SD TNTSAT boxes are about 100 -130 euros and the HD versions start about 220 euros.

Just make sure the box says TNTSAT and you will get all the TNT channels. List of channels available on the TNTSAT site here.

There are some diadvantages to this system: you must buy a specific decoder box that comes with a specific card which you can't use with other boxes like your Humax for ex. The card is valid for four years and then no one is quite sure what will happen. There are other ways to get French TV but less channels.

You should make sure that your satellite dish is big enough and capable of receiving from the ASTRA satellite at 19.2° East. This is the satellite you must point the dish to in order to receive TNTSAT. I can't tell you if the 60 cm dish is adequate or not.






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[quote user="Ron Avery"]Danny You did realise although its not at all clear, that the OP wants to watch French TV in Yorkshire?  If so does the "Footprint"of the French TV satellite take in the UK?[/quote]

Hi Ron,

I did understand the request. As far as I know, there is no problem reciving signals from ASTRA in the UK. See this map, which indicates that it is probably OK with a 60 cm dish



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What Danny has advised is absolutely correct, but to some extent is the "Rolls Royce" solution!

If you can manage with *just* the public service channels (ie France 2, 3, 5, Arte, Parliament) then you can use a box like a Humax (ie a digital DVB-S receiver) to receive these from Atlantic Bird 3 at 5 deg west. For some years there was a threat that these feeds would disappear but last October that threat receded.

You can't persuade a Sky box to get these channels (wrong symbol rate) but any decent DVB-S receiver is fine.

It does mean moving the dish round to AB3 and to be honest unless you move the Humax back and forth with you you'll obviously need to buy a digital receiver. So the easy option is indeed the TNTSat route as your old Sky dish (assume you mean the old analogue service) is already pointing the right way and will be more than adequate in terms of size.

But I mention it as it's the "cheap" alternative. In fact I have two TNTSAT boxes here in Devon and they do the job very well so if you've got the €130 then it's a reliable method and gives you TF1 and M6 which are missing from the AB3 FTA feeds, along with the rest of the TNT channels (which we never watch!!)

It is worth pointing out that in most supermarkets the TNTSat boxes are jumbled up with the ordinary terrestrial (DVB-T) boxes and most assistants don't understand the distinction. If it doesn't cost at least €120 then it isn't a TNTsat box!
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Just to clarify further.. UK satellite channels are on Astra at S28degE whereas the French ones are at S19degE (where the old Sky analogue ones were some years ago). Thus you will either need a motorised dish or two separate ones in order to receive both.

If you have decent freeview reception in the UK via your normal aerial and don't have nor want Sky subscription channels, you will only need a dish for the French programmes.

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