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Subscribing to French digital services

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We have a decent TV with built in Digital tuner. We receive about 12 french terrestial digital channels within the first 30 channel grouping but the next 30 channels all appear to be subscription only. The TV has a slot for presumably a decoder device for these other channels. Where does one go to get this decoder card? Does one decoder cover all channels or is it so much per channel? and what sort of costs are involved.

Be very interested to hear from anyone who has already trod this path.



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I don't know anyone who has actually shelled out for this but there's some info on the TNT chaines payantes here


I must say I thought there were three operators,  and if you buy a copy of Telesatellite magazine there's a page (several) listing all the various options.    But I haven't seen a copy since October 2008 so I'm not up to date.

I think if you go to a specialist sat/TV shop they normally can sell you the card (and possibly you'll need the CAM (conditional access module) which is the "card reader" that goes into the PMCIA slot (or whatever the geeky term for it is) in the TV if the card reader isn't actually built in.   I'm not sure whether it's bit specialist for les grandes surfaces.

I'm a bit worried that you're only getting 12 channels of free material,   there should be about 18.   I wonder if one or more of the MUX's isn't coming through properly on your aerial?

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Martin, Thanks for the ifo. I will investigate and report back. The nice thing about French digital is that some of the US and UK films actually present with an English soundtrack. We have a pretty dodgy analogue signal here living as we do on the edge of the Landes Foret but we are happy to get as many dig channels as we do. An arial amplifier was essential (UK Ebay).



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