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Buying a gites property as a single person - advice?


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I have been wanting to move to France for about 5 years. I own my own house but live with my partner who also has his own property. We have made several sorties to look at gites properties. It has finally dawned on me that he will never uproot as he enjoys his work here too much and he thinks we are too old to take risks (I am 51 and he 56). If I am to achieve my dream I will have to go it alone. The sale of my U.K. house would just about fund buying an 'up and running' gites business and it would have to provide my sole income.
The questions are these:
In practical terms can a business like this be run by one person?
Do guests prefer to be looked after by a couple?
Would it be too solitary?
I would be most grateful for any opinions or to hear from anyone who has undertaken such a bold step themselves.
Thanks - Flag
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The good thing about gites is that they are self-catering, so you don't have that much to do, in theory at least. If you have several gites, the changeover/cleaning day will be hard work, but you can always employ local labour to help out.

I think its always better to have the gite owner on site in case of problems but with many the owner lives elsewhere - often even in another country.

We've stayed in B&Bs in France and elsewhere run by a single person, who usually copes very well. Gites tie you down far less as you don't have to worry about breakfast.

In fact, as a single person, you will probably welcome the company of those renting the gites.

Sorry I can't speak from experience but my heart is with you as I've been drawing up plans for converting our largest barn into two gite units, starting next year (we hope).


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We have used gites for many years - and we own property in France. Personally we NEVER rent a gite in a complex, and are dubious if the owner is on site. The prospective income from gites always looks dubious to me because I cannot believe the letting season is more than - say - 12 weeks maximum and it doesnt seem to give much more of a return than you would get from a building society. I hope for your sake I am wrong.
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further to the debate about single gites or complexes, our preference b.c. (before children) was ALWAYS single gites, or two, shared with friends. Now we've all had kids, our needs have changed and I tell you what - I wouldn't dream of NOT going to a complex now... The kids all play together, all ages, and yes, ok all British but with different accents.

We've had massive barbecues, en-masse haphazard cricket games, treasure hunts in the woods, childminding during a hospital emergency. None of these activities (especially the hospital) was planned or arranged by the hosts, they just sort of, well, happened. And yes, it does sound corny, British talking and getting on together, but anyone who has been away with hot, bored children will know the desperate measures parents will take just to get ten minutes peace and quiet by a pool with a glass of plonk and the latest best-seller!

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