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Complete France Forum

what we can and can't do...

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Dear forum

this site seems such a mine of information it is difficult not to bombard the discussion with questions as in moving to france i have millions of them!
However in brief,

electrics - previous owner has done these not not acquired a certificate. I presume this certificate is necessary for long term electric supply, has anyone any experience of having to gain one?

Improvements - i am a bit confused by various posts, what can and can't a home owner do themselves re building(legally not physically!). Does a tradesman have to do all exterior work (in my case bricking up two sides of a carport and rebuilding its tiny roof to make an extra room) or is this only if you plan to claim the tax back. we could do most of this ourselves but is this not allowed by building regs?

Best Regards

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>electrics - previous owner has done
>these not not acquired a
>certificate. I presume this certificate
>is necessary for long term
>electric supply, has anyone any
>experience of having to gain

I think that our resident electrician will agree with me that the certificate is only required when the EDF make a new connection to a new installation. You don't need any sort of certificate or test to modify an existing installation though you should of course follow safety guidelines.

>Improvements - i am a bit
>confused by various posts, what
>can and can't a home
>owner do themselves re building(legally
>not physically!).

You can do all building work yourselves. There are no inspections apart from the electricity and few rules apart from those concerning the exterior visual aspect of property (changing windows, colour of walls etc) and perhaps to do with septic tanks which may affect a neighbour. For big jobs you do need planning permission.
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