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Scam or real thing?

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I'm selling my vehicle on ebay, and I recieved a message from a guy wanting to buy it and I wanted to know what people here think of it and if anybody else has received this type of email before?  it comes from a ligit email address, and the telephone number provided comes from the Ivory Coast, I'll leave you read it, first in French, then the translated version:-


Merci pour les photos et le prix ferme .


sommes d'accord ma femme et moi pour l'achat de votre vehicule , ainsi

nous souhaitons proceder au reglement du vehicule . Etant donné que je

suis en Afrique pour mon travail , je prefere vous effectuer un

virement bancaire ainsi la transaction se passe rapidement et de

maniere securisée .


nous transmettre vos coordonnées bancaires (RIB) afin de vous effectuer

un virement directement sur votre compte le montant total du vehicule .


fois votre compte credité ! , j'enverrai une société de transit qui

passera chez vous recuperer le vehicule et l'acheminer jusqu'a madrid

en Espagne là ou je reside avec ma femme .

Consernant les differents papiers , je vous communiquerai mon adresse en espagne pour faire le certificat de cession a la prefecture de police .

Je reste dans l'attente de votre reponse avec votre RIB afin de conclure la vente .

Cordialement ,



Thank you for photos and prices firm.

We agree my wife and me to purchase your vehicle, so we want to

settle the vehicle. Since I am in Africa to my work, I prefer you make

a bank transfer and the transaction happens quickly and securely.

Please send us your bank details (RIB) in order to make a transfer directly from your account the total vehicle.

Once your account is credited! , I send a transit home will fetch

the car and moved to Madrid in Spain where I reside with my wife.

Conserne the different papers, I will provide my address in Spain to surrender the certificate to the police.

I awaits your response with your RIB to conclude the sale.

Best regards,
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Thanks anton :) as a matter of fact I bought 2 cars without looking at them, simply because it was an ebay auction on american vehicles and I knew the company's reputation.  I had reservations from the start about this person, glad I didn't take it any further.  I've notified a government website to warn others of this letter/email address, I put all the details on, hopefully they can trace the guy from the details provided! :)


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