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Our Panasonic Hard Disk recorder and our Pace decoder seem to have stopped talking to one another so we may be in for a new sytem.

We're far from techie but the following is what we want to do:

1. Receive programmes from Astra 2 (28.2 degrees east of south?)

2. Record programmes to the hard disk either when we're here or when we're not here.

3. We may want to record programmes from different stations when we're not here so we'll need the machine to switch channels automatically.

4. Play DVD's.

5. To receive programmes in HD and to be compatible with a HD television when we get around to buying one.

If any one can offer any advice or point us at a specific model we'll be grateful. I've headed the thread Humax because we're not interested in anything to do with Sky subscriptions. If there's another make that we're not aware of then could you also reference that pleases?

If you feel we've missed any features that are also available then please feel free to point them out.

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Having just bought the Humax HD with hard disk, all I can say is that I am very happy with it. The only thing that it does not do is play DVDs.

It is great to be able to just press record when watching snooker and then change channels to watch Eastenders while it is recording the snooker. I can even record two channels at one and watch a third. The HD bit is fantastic on my HD TV.

I ordered it online from a UK retailer and paid £299 including delivery to France. It only took 4 days from ordering to delivery.

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Not sure if I am allowed to mention the company that I got mine from, but I am sure the mods will delete the post if I am not.

It is http://www.satbuyer.co.uk/, and they are one of the few who will send to France. P&P is £30 to France and the price has gone down a little to £252.

I have the one known as the Humax HD PVR. It has twin tuners so that you can record one channel and watch another and a 320 Gb hard disk to record onto.

I have no connections with the company, but I think that anyone who is willing to offer us ex-pats a good service deserves a mention.

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I was quite interested in the Humax when I saw it had an Ethernet connection -  until I read this:

"The included Ethernet port will allow data transfer via FTP client to your computer, allowing for 100mb/sec transfer speeds; this however is a planned addition for a future roll out (not available from launch)."

Bummer, I'll just have to wait then.

Benjamin, your answer is on the page too.

Don't forget that you'll need two cables from your satellite dish to this receiver to fully utilise the Freesat+ record functionality.

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I have no commercial connection except as a happy user but as a cheap but effective way of acheiving pre planned recording of a number of programmes on different channels. A second hand Sky digibox, the cheapest DVD recorder and A Phantom PVR ( link as below) takes some beating. Unless you want to watch one channel and record another set of cables and twin LNB then it does not required

Once you have set up the PVR, you use the programme scheduler on the SKY digibox then set the programmes you want to autoview and that it it. 


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The Humax does not need to have a twin cable setup, there is a loop through connector on the back for single cable. With a single cable you are restricted slightly in that the channel that you record and the other channel that you watch must not be on the same transponder (or something like that).

I found that when I set mine up single cable I could not record BBC1 and watch BBC2, but I could watch ITV at the same time. I changed the LNB for a quad one (£12 on ebay) and then could watch and record any two channels.

The network port will eventually be enables, but I am not sure that I would gain anything from it. The Humax has not been out that long and things are still progressing.

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[quote user="Benjamin"]When you're up and running can you describe your set up as I'm still not entirely sure I understand what is necessary?


It's already up and running, very easy to setup, I have a quad LNB (a dual LNB would do, if you don't want to feed any more TV's) on my ex sky dish (no need to alter any settings on the dish), and to get the best from the recorder I have twin coax cables from the LNB going to the Humax PVR and that's it.

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As Gosub says just attach it to a single or quad LNB, if using a single then make a loopthrough cable for the back of the box.

No need to move the dish as the Humax uses the same satellites.

Attachment to the TV is either a standard SCART lead, or if you have a HD TV then the supplied HDMI lead.

The Freesat program guide is great and very easy to use if you want to record a program. It is still quite novel to be able to pause a program while the other half makes a cuppa. It is also great to record one program and watch another or record two programs that are on at the same time.

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Can endorse eveything said here, I know zilch about satellites (don't have it in the UK) but I was able to simply change the dish head LNB with one with 2 connectors, replace the cable with a double one (from Maplin), and plugged it into the Humax PVR which does exactly what it should straight out of the box. Very pleased with it.

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[quote user="Bob T"]As Gosub says just attach it to a single or quad LNB, if using a single then make a loopthrough cable for the back of the box.

No need to move the dish as the Humax uses the same satellites.

Attachment to the TV is either a standard SCART lead, or if you have a HD TV then the supplied HDMI lead.

The Freesat program guide is great and very easy to use if you want to record a program. It is still quite novel to be able to pause a program while the other half makes a cuppa. It is also great to record one program and watch another or record two programs that are on at the same time.


Thanks again Bob. This is the posting that makes it clear for me.

The reason for keeping being picky is that I suffer from vertigo (changing a light bulb is a challenge [:)]) so I have to get a professional in if there is any climbing to be done. Our original installation was done by the local TV shop and has worked perfectly for the last four years. We've got a single LNB with a box on the back with two feeds coming from it. One goes to our main TV point and the other goes to a termination which I had put into a spare bedroom (it seemed a good idea at the time!).

As I read it I can instal the loop you have at the back of the Humax and then I'll be able to watch one chanel and record another or record two separate chanels at the same time.

I hope!

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I'm not familiar with the Humax as such but perhaps it should be made clear that the loopthrough system outlined above (ie a link between the out and the in LNB connectors) will allow you to watch *some* channels at the same time as recording *others* but not *all* combinations - that is if you only have a single LNB.

An LNB can only do one thing at a time,  that is to say one of the following options

Hi Band Vertical

Hi Band Horizontal

Lo Band Vertical

Lo Band Horizontal

Normally what happens is that the tuner furthest from the LNB takes charge of the decision on which of the four options above is in use.    Provided that the intermediate tuner (the one that's been looped through) only requires a channel from the same option as that chosen by the further tuner then both can operate satisfactorily.   However if the controlling tuner has chosen say Lo H and the slave tuner needs Lo V then the slave loses out and gets no signal.

This is obviated in most cases by installing a replacement dual LNB which has two LNB's in one,   each controlled by one tuner,  so each tuner can range over the entire selection of channels without annoying the other.

This explains (or should explain) why only certain combinations of channels will work simultaneously.

You can check what channel uses what band and polarisation on lyngsat.    Lo band is 10.7 - 11.7 GHz,  and Hi band is 11.7 - 12.7 GHz.

As I say,   I have no direct experience of the Humax but I suspect that the above explanation will stand in the circumstances described.

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The Humax manual makes it clear that there will be only limited functionality (as far as having 2 or more channels available simultaneously) unless there are 2 separate cables to it, each feeding from its own LNB: the loopthrough doesn't substitute for that. From what you say you will need your technician to replace the existing LNB on the dish and have 2 cables all the way from there to your Humax box. It's a pretty simple job though since even I managed to do it!

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[quote user="gosub"]Thanks to Bob T for recommending"Satbuyer", my Humax PVR arrived today as scheduled.[/quote]

I'll add my Satbuyer recommendation to this thread. Easy ordering and very quick UPS delivery.

The Humax takes a bit of getting used to after year of plain Sky viewing. I managed to miss the recording of the last episode of Damages... [:@]

And I'm having to wait for a dry day before I can send Mr Clair on the roof to fit the twin cable to the LNBs... [Www]

Now we'll just have to get a HD tv... [;-)]

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[quote user="gosub"]Thanks to Bob T for recommending"Satbuyer", my Humax PVR arrived today as scheduled.[/quote]

I'll add my recommendation to this thread. Easy ordering and very quick UPS delivery from Satbyuer.

The Humax takes a bit of getting used to after year of plain Sky viewing. I managed to miss the recording of the last episode of Damages... [:@]

And I'm having to wait for a dry day before I can send Mr Clair on the roof to fit the twin cable to the LNBs... [Www]

Now we'll just have to get a HD tv... [;-)]

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[quote user="Bob T"]Clair, When the twin LNB is fitted and connected, don't forget to go through the Humax menu and select a factory reset so that the box knows about the twin LNB.[/quote]

Thanks Bob.

I'll make sure to write a list of the schedule first, as I understand the list will be deleted when I'll rescan...

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