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Teleconnect changes.....

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Mine goes down every weekend for hours at a time.I may be getting paranoid, but wonder if they are trying to try out repair work whilst the operators cannot answer the phones because it's their weekend break.
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Seems like we have real problems with this godforsaken Internet provider again!!  I have been trying all day to send out two quite important e-mails to no avail. My line is permanently on/off and downloads are taking an age as and when I can get through to a web address I need to. Just managed to get through to them and yes they agree they have het another MAJOR problem which their techies are working on. Anyone else having problems today or like me, have they lost the will to complain about it via this forum[6]. Hopefully this post will get printed before the line drops again.


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Hi Tuppence - Yes mine went down last night about 9.00pm and didn't reappear until this morning..... It's a bit up and down today. I've got to the stage where I may consider changing provider. To be honest I'm surprised at myself for putting up with this for so long. The only thing is, that every time I think enough is enough, I seem to get my head stuck in the sand and hope it will all turn out okay in the end [8-)] Laid back retirement has definitely calmed my hot Irish temper [:D][:D]
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Nell, I am in total agreement with you. I am in a large village in Pas de Calais and by using degrouptest to test the line, I can only get good downloads from Teleconnect (?) or Orange. So not a lot of choice. But this is beyond a joke with TC over 2 months now since we started  having problems. Although I did manage to speak to one of their people today, all they will say is that I should turn off the modem leave it 10 minutes and then switch it back on. If the response is not good then keep doing it till the response is OK. What sort of service is that??

I agree with the laid back retirement comment as I too am in the same boat, but my (very English) temperament is being gradually worn down.  Empty promises from TC about numerous spurious dates given to its customers saying it will be OK by this date or that date.[6] Grrrrrrrrrrrr!!


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Can someone please give me an update? Has the service improved on VoIP and stability of the Internet?

My wife is going to our flat possibly this week or next, so I am trying to get a feel for what she is going to walk into as she will need internet access at the very least.

Thanks in advance

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Hi Simon,

If my connection is anything to go by, no it hasn't completely improved. My line has dropped several times over the past 2/3 days. Maybe not for long but enough to get cut off mid phone call. And as I have suffered at their hands for over 10 weeks now, I'm off to join Orange as soon as I can. Same price for same options so why not.


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Mine went off for about 2 hours this afternoon and when I called them was told they had a problem and there was nothing to be done but wait. It came back just after 5pm.

It's really not good enough and seriously thinking of dumping them now. The Orange deal is attractive other than the prospect of a detested Livebox [:(]

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Orange is really the most expensive provider. For the same services, SFR or Free or Bouyges are certainly a lot cheaper. And no livebox. Then you could have a different modem/router and inclusive VOIP calls and pay less.

Whether or not they are better value than Orange is another matter. 4 million customers each for SFR and Free can't all be unhappy though.



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Jane & Danny,

Orange works out the same price as Teleconnect with the same free calls to France and the UK. Sadly when I did the degrouptest my only decent download options were the 2 listed above so not a lot of choice I'm afraid. But they really can't be any worse than TC which in my honest opinion has treated tis customers abysmally of late.


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All I can say for what its worth is I have had no loss of usage at all (apart from a power cut) for both phone and internet and I am so impressed with the level of service that even though Orange will cost me 2€ a month more I am going to move my mobile phone to them as well.
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[quote user="tuppence"]Sadly when I did the degrouptest my only decent download options were the 2 listed above so not a lot of choice I'm afraid.[/quote]Just checked Degrouptest myself and looks like I'm kinda stuffed too.

It was always wrong because it reported my line as 4830m with 49dB attenuation. The 49dB is spot on according to my router but the actual length is more like 3500m, borne out by the actual performance, which is a rock solid 2mb and in line with the package I'm on with TC, plus synchronising with the exchange at anything between 4.5 and 6.5 mb (currently 6.56 !).

Mysteriously though it's now decided to report 4936m with 60dB attenuation and as such only offers me Orange, SFR, and Completel @ 512k and I don't rate my chances of successfully arguing the toss with any of them them over a faulty FT database [:'(]

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The rock solid 2MB is an arrangement between Orange and the particular FAI; the technical bandwidth capability has got rock all to do with it.

If you think a "degrouptest" will give all FAI possibilities then you are being led up the garden path.

A more realistic evaluation will be obtained by checking the subscriber line number on each FAI site of interest.

It should always be remembered what ADSL nu really means and it is not a naked livebox with her thighs around a pole.

Qu'est-ce que l'ADSL Nu ?

L'ADSL Nu ou ADSL Only est une appelation donnée aux offres commerciales des fournisseurs d'accès alternatifs qui proposent des forfaits ADSL en zones non degroupées, sans que l'abonné ait besoin d'un abonnement France Telecom. Les offres ADSL Nu permettent donc de disposer d'une ligne ADSL sans souscrire au service voix (RTC) de France Telecom, y compris en zones IP-ADSL non dégroupées. Ca ressemble au dégroupage total mais ca n'est pas du dégroupage total !

Depuis 2006, plusieurs fournisseurs d'accès proposent des offres ADSL Nu à leurs abonnés pour un tarif mensuel compris entre 29,90 et 34,90 euros. L'avantage de l'ADSL Nu est de réaliser l'économie de l'abonnement à l'opérateur historique puisque la téléphonie VoIP se généralise. Néanmoins, il est important de souligner les inconvénients liés à la procédure ADSL Nu :

  • Le téléphone dépend de la ligne ADSL et de l'alimentation éléctrique. Si il y a panne de courant, plus de téléphone.

  • Difficulté d'utilisation des Fax et des alarmes qui utilisent le réseau RTC et non la Voix sur IP

  • En cas de résiliation ou de changement d'offre ADSL, l'abonné doit souvent réouvrir une ligne France Telecom (55 euros) même si l'internaute a gardé son numéro grâce à la portabilité.


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For starters my 2mb connection is with Teleconnect so quite what the statement 'arrangement between Orange and the particular FAI' means in that context escapes me, unless of course you mean FT not Orange and to say that 'the technical bandwidth capability has got rock all to do with it' is patent nonsense, it's absolutely germain !

Before I signed up with TC and when my line was reported as 4830m Degrouptest offered me many more 2mb options. Checking now I am as I say limited to the 3 I mentioned @512k and I have been to their sites directly and each returned the same result.

Accepting the fact that my line has NOT suddenly lengthened by 106m, acquiring an unbelievable additional 11dB's of attenuation in the process, what other basis is there for an ISP determining what service they are able to offer then the line characteristics ?

If I understand your Qu'est-ce que l'ADSL Nu quote correctly I do not have 'Bare ADSL' but still have, and pay for, my FT line.

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[quote user="ErnieY"]For starters my 2mb connection is with Teleconnect so quite what the statement 'arrangement between Orange and the particular FAI' means in that context escapes me, unless of course you mean FT not Orange and to say that 'the technical bandwidth capability has got rock all to do with it' is patent nonsense, it's absolutely germain !

Before I signed up with TC and when my line was reported as 4830m Degrouptest offered me many more 2mb options. Checking now I am as I say limited to the 3 I mentioned @512k and I have been to their sites directly and each returned the same result.

Accepting the fact that my line has NOT suddenly lengthened by 106m, acquiring an unbelievable additional 11dB's of attenuation in the process, what other basis is there for an ISP determining what service they are able to offer then the line characteristics ?

If I understand your Qu'est-ce que l'ADSL Nu quote correctly I do not have 'Bare ADSL' but still have, and pay for, my FT line.


The fact that you still pay line charge to TC means that TC are NOT included in the ADSL nu arrangement with Orange in a non degrouped area unlike Free and Alice for example. FT own the line Orange is the part of FT dealing with ADSL.

In practice an FAI providing an ADSL nu service offer will not be permitted to give a bandwidth greater than that which would be provided by Orange to that subscriber.

Let me explain that differently; if you build a tree house at the side of the local telephone exchange and your connection distance to the DSLAM is only 10 metres and theoretically you could get 20 Mbit then forget it you will get 2Mbit and no more.
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I pay for my FT line because I choose to even though with TC I have the option to do otherwise. That makes me ADSL nu I believe.

Nevertheless, ADSL nu or not, my line is what it is and at around 3.5km is only capable of reliably delivering around 2mb and that is the be all and end all of it.

Quarts out of pint pots and all that.

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Tele Connect allows you to retain the FT line, line and usage charges are paid directly to FT.

OR Tele Connect allow a Line Rental option where basically you pay Tele Connect the bi-monthly line charge and then Tele Connect pay FT on your behalf.

The ADSL nu is something COMPLETELY different and is basically NO LINE CHARGE paid to the FAI but the FAI pay FT the bi-monthly line charge.

This may be of no importance to you with deep pockets and an unadventurous disposition; but to impecunious PPP the saving of  € 192 every year makes him very happy.

Alice Neuf / SFR Free Orange
Téléphonie illimitée ?
Oui Oui Oui Oui

Possibilité ADSL nu* ? Oui Oui Oui Oui

*Offer subject to preselection of France Telecom phone line with Teleconnect. If preselection fails, a monthly supplement of €5 applies. AngloPack is not compatible with the Teleconnect's original fixed-line offers (Happy Hour, Pro International Call Plan or WorldPlan). All rates applies on calls made on the voip line (i.e., phone being plugged into the modem) and not on the analogic France Telecom line (phone plugged on the wall plug), except when otherwise stated.

  • What is LINE RENTAL?
  • It’s your Telephone Line Rental with Teleconnect: no more struggling with France Telecom and receive just one bill in plain English. Technically your line is still connected to France Telecom premium network, but we look after you 100%. In this case all your calls including special numbers are billed by Teleconnect.

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