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Teleconnect changes.....

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[quote user="Jazzer"]I have also recived a letter in which there is a line" In most cases the upgrade will be processed automatically before March 31st. Do not install the upgrade file until asked for by our technical team.[/quote]Ditto.

I downloaded the file onto OH's desktop in case she needed it but she will be sitting on her hands until instructed otherwise [geek]

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[quote user="ErnieY"]

I would have have expanded my response if you'd said you were using Outlook Express for Yahoo mail Jay, I just assumed by Yahoo you meant, well Yahoo  [Www]

Glad you're all OK at least on that on that front anyway [:)]


Bit of confusion all round there Ernie - I presume your response was for Tuppence as I am not having any problems at all with my mail!

Looks like they are changing all VoIP numbers. I have delayed using the updated software to see exactly what happens, so far my system is working perfectly. Would have been nice to know exactly what parameters the new software is updating.

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I have also had a letter telling me I will have a new number and last night's email, but I am sitting tight until I am sure things are okay (Though how I will be sure on that one is anybodies guess [:D]) I have Internet and FT for now so that will have to do until Teleconnect have sorted themselves out. I can't help thinking Thank goodness I didn't take up their offer of taking over my France Telecom line at the back end of last year. Just hoping that once this is sorted, we can go back to carefree Internet/telephone use just like before [Www]
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Nell I'll drink to that, I kept my FT line also. And wasn't that a great idea when my modem died 3 weeks ago and I was without a replacement for a week or more. And now this............. at least my e-mail is now ok.

bon chance


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Glad your mail is working properly now. I think perhaps Teleconnect got a bit ahead of themselves and gave a few people a headache. They have not explained the situation properly.

Teleconnect do not "take over the FT line", your FT line would still operate even when your modem died. Quote from their website "Technically

your line is still connected to France Telecom premium network, but we

look after you 100%
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Agreed, the difference being if the line itself went faulty, as mine did a few weeks ago - twice - it would be down to Teleconnect to liase with FT to fix it.

Dealing direct with FT as I did via their web site 1013.fr both times the fault was cleared within 24 hours. Not sure one would get that level of response going through Teleconnect, or any ISP for that matter, so I'm sticking with FT [;-)]

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Like previous posts on this subject, having upgraded via their (TC) e-mail, I have received their letter this morning telling me much the same thing . But at least this time they have given me the new SMTP address which Jay kindly listed earlier in this post. Can I just ask any one of you, do I have to do anything to change the VOIP number?  I can call any number in the UK or France still, but when the other person begins to speak it sounds like they are in a goldfish bowl.[6] However, when people call me either on my UK2U number or FT number its perfectly OK.


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I doubt there is much you can do yourself unfortunately, if it were that simple I'm sure they would have told you. There is nothing to stop you having a play if you felt like it. but firstly though you should do a backup.

From memory in the router under Management there is an option to backup the settings so if you did that then you could always get back to where you started.

Once you've backed up you can go into the VOIP page and have a fiddle, you will of course need someone available to call you each time to see if anything has any effect.

Bon Chance [:)]

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I think I may leave well alone ErnieY!!  A technie I am not so I will wait until TC have sorted out whatever it is that is causing the phone line to be so awful. TC always talked me through anything I have needed to do in the past , so I'll keep trying their phone line from Monday and see where that takes me.

thanks anyway


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Just an update..... I emailed teleconnect over a week ago to describe the problems I was having with the phone line. Below is the reply I have just received, which may be useful information for all those in the same situation.....

Thank you for contacting us.

Following on from changes within our network the outgoing calls on the VOIP service is still not yet 100% stable.

We are currently doing our best to make the service available as soon as possible, everything should be back to normal by 6th April.

During this period of downtime, we advise you to make your calls using the France Telecom line and we will refund the costs no questions asked.

We are aware of this issue so no need to call us or contact us by email as it will only slow things down. 

However if you still having problems from the 6th April onwards, you may contact our technical hotline on 0805 111 555 or by email to support@teleconnect.fr with the following information:


1)Telephone number you are trying to call.
2)Date and time of call. (do NOT send us calls made before 6th April )
3)Very brief description of the problem (example "We can't hear them but they can here us"  or vice versa)


** Important, we will need this information for THREE different calls (so 3 unique numbers) **
** Do NOT send us this information for calls before 6th April. It is normal that the VOIP is not working correctly at the moment.


Thank-you for your patience during this time and rest assured, we are working very hard on our side for you.

If you need to contact us again, you should note the reference [xxxxxxxxx] and remember to insert this number in all future email's object.

Best regards,
Andrew Forrester
Sales Department

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I have today received a letter from Teleconnect, with CD. Iquote the first paragraph"This is the final step of your internet access upgrade. If you have already downloaded AND installed the B10004_1 update file, you are all set, congratulations.Maybe you will have to apply a manual reset on your modem file. If you have not downloaded and installed the update file,please follow the instructions below.

The remainder of the letter is advising to insert CD in PC.

I don't know if this does a better job than the original instructions. I am still tempted to wait and see.

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[quote user="ErnieY"]Is this just a CD version of what's already been downloaded and installed or a fix for the problems I wonder.

Mine still 100% OK without the upgrade so still holding off [;-)]


Yep - just the .img file with an autorun setup. Not done mine either as it is working fine. If it aint broke don't fix it!

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Hmmm, seems to have been a rather poorly thought out and executed exercise doesn't it ?

I've got the letter informing me of the change in VOIP number but in truth we don't really use it so once again I'm holding back unless forced to upgrade.

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Have you received the final warning to upgrade email today?

It says to use the CD sent or click on the link for the upgrade by 15th April.

I have been holding off doing anything as everythings working OK at the moment. What will you be doing?

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The mail and CD turned up today and looking at it there seems a heck of a lot more than just the previously downloaded B1004_1.img file.

Nevertheless I'm sticking by my plan to do nothing until or unless I have to. I hardly use the VOIP number anyway so if that stops working for a while it will be no great loss.

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I am losing the will to live with all these posts[:(]. I haven't received a CD, just upgraded when I had their letter 10 days ago. I have internet access, e-mail is OK but phoning out is the only problem. They did e-mail me (as others have been on this post) saying it should all be OK by Monday. I am going to wait till Monday and try phoning people here and the UK to see what the upshot is , if at all.


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Frankly, problems or not, I think the whole thing had been a bit of botched job.

First of all they said:


are in the process of upgrading our servers, and consequently there are

a few settings of your Internet broadband access which have to be

changed. In most cases, the update information will be auto-configured

on your modem before the end of March. In the meantime, you need to

download an update file now.

Now it may be me but that is not exactly crystal clear. It implies that the changes will be auto-configured so what is the D/L file for ?

Next they say:

You can now install the upgrade file you previously downloaded from our site

Fair enough but this which is where the problems seem to have started for some.

Now we get a CD (completely unannounced) and a wooly worded letter 'Maybe you will have to apply a manual reset on your modem' ? This is supposed to be a precise process in which maybe's have no legitimate place.

And yet, at the end of the day and having not followed any of the instructions, I am still working perfectly normally.

I fear they have not covered themselves in glory in this instance [blink]

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After talking to a (frankly p&^^ed off) technical guy at Teleconnect before the weekend and being told that I should contact them again if the problem persisted after the 6th I just disconnected the lot while I got on with the decorating! This morning I plugged it all back together et voila, ca marche! Changed the outgoing STMP setting and all is well - although there's an extra light showing now that wasn't there before (WLAN)
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Glad to hear you're all up and running again, instills at least a grain of confidence [blink]

Re the WLAN light, presumably you were not using Wireless before and ON is the default state for it but you can, and should, turn it off if you don't need it.

Go into the router on then to the Wireless option and untick 'Enable Wireless'

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