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Livebox router or not?

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Sorry if this has been asked before, I did a search and couldn't see anything but find it hard to believe that I would be the first person to ask this question.[8-)]

When we first received our broadband we were given a Livebox but couldn't get it to work so I exchanged it for an ordinary Sagem router and have had no problems to speak of since. However, I now need to be able to use a laptop in the house as well so need a wireless set up. This really frightens me because of my poor French I find it very difficult to sort out technical problems with Orange. I must say it is difficult enough for me in English.[:$]

Having had the initial problem with Livebox, I am worried about having problems installing it again not to mention that we have very thick stone walls in the house. Could someone offer any advice on what best to do in receiving a wireless signal with Orange? I wouldn't even need a wireless signal if I could connect a second computer but it will not allow me to do that.

Thank you in advance for any feedback or advice.

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We ran a Livebox wifi setup through our Orange account for a number of years without problem.  However, it fried itself during an overnight storm so I bought a Netgear wifi router as a replacement.

Simple to set up using the Netgear installation CD - all in English and no need to speak to Orange in French........[;-)]

If thick walls are a problem, then you'll find this has been discussed here before.



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I second the recommendation for a Netgear Router/Modem.  We use the dg834 which requires no software installation on your computers (hooray) and basically sets itself up and connects itself.  We've had no problems with the signal, but perhaps are walls are less thick than yours.

If you go to the Netgear website (or Google the model), you can find user manuals (in English) to look over before you purchase.  It's really dead easy, but I would suggest you turn off the stupid dome light on the top.

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[quote user="Sunday Driver"]

We ran a Livebox wifi setup through our Orange account for a number of years without problem. 


Does anyone have problems with the connection dropping periodically?  Disconnecting the livebox from the mains for a while seems to work but, nevertheless, it's frustrating! 

As an aside, I'm guessing that you can only replace the livebox with an alternative router if you don't have the Orange satellite TV / free phone package?   

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Thank you for the replies. That looks like two for Netgear. I just did a search on Netgear and there appears to be many different routers. I assume it wouldn't matter as long as it offered wireless. Perhaps I will look at ordering one from Amazon. Thank you again.

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Thanks Ernie but I don't have a Livebox. I had trouble with it when we first got connected and exchanged it for an ordinary router. However, I thought that if you had Livebox it already offered wireless and there was no need to add anything else.[8-)]
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Unfortunately the one I have now that is an ordinary Sagem router doesn't have wireless, therefore, I will have to get one that does. I was just worried about getting a Livebox again because of the problems I had with it to start with but I think that is the only one that FT offers through Orange.
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Sorry but I'm confused now. You initially said,

[quote user="WJT"]I wouldn't even need a wireless signal if I could connect a second computer but it will not allow me to do that.[/quote]

so why do you now say you do because I am saying that if you get a small ethernet hub similar to that below then you could plug that into the Sagem and would have 2 or more ports into which you could plug your pc's so wouldn not need wireless.


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[quote user="WJT"] I was just worried about getting a Livebox again because of the problems I had with it to start with but I think that is the only one that FT offers through Orange.[/quote]

We have had an Inventel Livebox for 2 1/2 years and have had no problems, but if we had some queries then I was told to refer to the UK Orange site which uses the same equipment. So http://www.orange.co.uk/time/livebox/  might just give you some insight into your problem in English. I believe the help pages are supposed to be v helpful.


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Thank you for the information Sue, I have saved that in my favourites if I do get a Livebox. The few times I had to contact Orange with technical problems was a nightmare.

Ernie the below is the router we have in fact we ended up with two. Sorry, I don't think I was very clear because what I meant to say was that I have tried to use the second Sagem router with the laptop on the same broadband as the PC but it doesn't work. Unfortunately, I can't see a way to connect two computers to one router, there is only one USB plug and the other is a phone plug on this Sagem router that I can see.


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I am a complete dummy re computers but when I went to French Telecom office to set up my orange.fr broadband I asked if I could use my laptop as well on the same system and he provided me with a "dongle" which I attached to the laptop and I downloaded the broadband disc and hey presto.  You do have to suspend your Antivirus firewall whilst doing this.

Good luck.

I am sure far more knowledgeable people than me can give you better information and help.

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As you are already renting the Sagem 800, why don't you just go back and exchange it for a livebox? It is possible the original one you had, just didn't work. It also could have been that the internet connection was disabled by default, and needed to be enabled. Of course you can always purchase a different router, some have already been mentioned, but be aware, if it gets fried by an electrical storm, the onus and expense is on you to replace.

There are a lot of people here and on other fora with a wealth of knowledge, who can aid you if you run into dificulties, if you also say where you are, there may be someone close at hand, who can pop round and sort it out for you.

I have had a Sagem livebox for just over 5 years now, the same box, it does exactly what it supposed to, offers ethernet and wi-fi connections to various pcs/laptops/netbooks with various operating systems (though I will admit I do not use Orange's software), it is never unplugged from the mains or telephone network, and have only ever had to reset it a couple of times in that 5 yrs.

Good luck

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One thing to bear in mind whichever router you get is it will likely need some manually setting up which will be more complicated than just plugging in a preconfigured livebox or a simple USB modem where you need little more than your ISP assigned user name and password to get going.

In your position what I would do is go for the free Orange Livebox (I cannot believe I'm actually recommending a Livebox as I loath them [:-))]) and if you do have problems there are plenty of people here to help you out but there is no reason why it shouldn't work and you have the benefit of a free replacement if it should get fried by lightning or otherwise fail. You will also be able to benefit from any VOIP free phone calls included in your package.

You say you ended up with 2 Sagems, one of which doesn't seem to work, well that's good because you know which one to give back to Orange in exchange for the Livebox then don't you [;-)]

Having had my router fried once I now have a spare for emergencies (my old BT one from UK which I hacked to work in France) but before that I had, and still have, a cheap USB modem with which I can get online instantly and in fact it was via that that I got the necessary software to hack the BT one when needed it.


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[quote user="ErnieY"]


In your position what I would do is go for the free Orange Livebox (I cannot believe I'm actually recommending a Livebox as I loath them [:-))]) and if you do have problems there are plenty of people here to help you out but there is no reason why it shouldn't work and you have the benefit of a free replacement if it should get fried by lightning or otherwise fail. You will also be able to benefit from any VOIP free phone calls included in your package.


the livebox is normally rented from Orange for 3 euros a month but can also be bought....


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Thank you so much for all of the excellent advice. The easiest option would be to do as Ernie and ClarksinFrance said and exchange the Sagem modem for a Livebox. I just wish I hadn't had that bad experience with it in the first place. I will go into FT to discuss this week if I have a chance but I will also think about just buying outright the Neatgear router Tenniswitch and Bob recommend..

I still very much would like to find out if I can do as WendyG did with just adding a dongle but I would probably need a wireless router for this instead of an ordinary modem. But thank you very much again for the advice and I MAY BE BACK.[:D]

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I think the dongle was just a Livebox compatible one as I've heard that some 3rd party ones can be a bit of a pig to to get working with them, but yes, you would definitely then need a Wireless router, i.e. the Livebox or a purchased altenative.

Despite my personal loathing of Liveboxes of one flavour or another they are in daily use by hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of poor saps, oops, meant net users [:P]

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