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Dodgy Builders


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I'm sure this topic has been raised many times already so apologies in advance, but what is the procedure if a tradesman does a sub-standard job and unfortunately you find out approx 1 yr later ?

The French roofer ( I now use this term loosely) is based in Carnoet, Nr Callac. The chimmneys are leaking and it appears he hasn't done all he said he would. Is it tough or is there any means of getting him back ?

Any advice greatly received.

Janet Ward
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The roofer, if properly installed and registered here, is legally oblidged to carry Responsabilit Civil insurance and Decenelle insurance. The latter is a ten year guarantee on his work. I assume you have a copy of his facture with his registration no. and details and the amount including TVA you paid, together with a desription of the works carried out?

I would phone him to explain the problem, and perhaps send him a letter outlining the problems inviting his response. Send the letter "recommand avec accus de reception", this will insure you have proof he has received it.

If he plays ball, his insurance company should send out an independant assessor to inspect the works to see if you have a valid claim, ie; is the problem due to faulty workmanship or materials.

I hope this is of help to you.


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I am not sure about maintenance jobs, but if you are having any new building, extensions, new house etc, then you are obliged under French law to take out insurance to cover the myriad of possibilities which can go wrong. As one reply says, the artisan/entrepreneur has to give a ten year warranty, but if he goes "walkabout" or refuses to accept responsibility, then your insurance company will pay up and they will chase the builder - or suffer the loss.
Incidentally, unlike the UK there are no regular inspections by building inspectors, so unless you are yourself building knowledgable, you would be well advised to employ an architect. We didn't because (a), we did not know we had to take out insurance and (b) we did not know there were no inspections. Our slightly dodgy builder did not advise us on either point as a result of which we now have a serious damp problem to rectify at our cost in a new extension.
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I would be interested to hear how you get on with this builder and if you could let me know his name I would be grateful. We will be moving over to this area in the new year and will possibly be looking for a local builder to use on some projects. Forearmed and all that! What area do you live? We stayed in carnoet recently and bought property just up the road.
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