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Any Internet Explorer experts?

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Keep getting I.E. script error message coming up when starting up the computer, running French version of Vista. Also when clicking on titles in Flashget. I just cancel the message and everything works normally but it is getting very annoying. I have tried the following with no effect.

1/ using inetcpl.cpl got into the I.E. Internet properties box and tried under advanced reinitialising, cleared third party search bars but no other effect.

2/ deactivated debugging of scripts (other), normally checked but unchecking makes no difference

3/ deactivated debugging of scripts Internet Explorer normally checked but unchecking makes no difference

4/ Showing information for each script error box is cleared.

Any suggestions.................................JR

PS This has only happened since I.E. 8 appeared recently

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Two thoughts come to mind;

Firstly, you need to find which program is running at start up that's trying to open a web page. You could run MSCONFIG (Google it, if you are not sure how to run it) and selectively disable programs at start up to find out which is the offending program).

Secondly, in IE8 under Tools->Internet Options->Advanced Tab make sure both 'Disable Script Debugging' checkboxes are ticked.

Hope that helps.

PS I've used IE8 for several months now and it runs very well, much quicker than IE7. I actually use FF as well but happen to prefer IE8 so obviously that means I'm no 'expert' and a heretic ;-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

[quote user="teapot"]Dump vista, microsoft have [;-)][/quote]

No they haven't, Windows 7 is just an updated version of Vista.  Once again I will point out to the knockers of Microsoft - If it wasn't for Microsoft 99% of you wouldn't be reading this forum and 99% of you wouldn't have a computer.  I have been running vista on one of my machines for more than 2 years with NO PROBLEMS.  I keep my spyware and anti-virus up to date, I use my computer for the great tool that is was designed for and don't abuse it so I rarely have problems.  XP was good, Vista was better and windows 7 no doubt will be better still.  To get back the the question by the OP, Internet Explorer 8 is great, you obviously have configuration problems with your present computer set-up to get the conflicts you do,  use Firefox or uninstall I.E.8.  I have had no problems with the latest version of Internet Explorer.

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On investigation and as has been kindly suggested, I tried uninstalling I.E.8 with no good effect. I checked and I.E.7 was now running. I allowed it, I.E.8,  to reinstall the next time I switched on. I then tried stopping Flashget starting up on switch-on and the script error message that appeared just after switch-on no longer was in evidence. It does appear if I initiate Flashget and click on any stored download titles so I guess I.E.8 and Flashget don't get on too well. Flashget still works OK and I guess I can live with the script error messages I get when using it. Saying yes or no to do I want to continue running scripts on this page seems to have no effect other than to make the message disappear, weird! Thanks to all for the advice.......................JR
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[quote user="tel"]

[quote user="teapot"]Dump vista, microsoft have [;-)][/quote]

Once again I will point out to the knockers of Microsoft - If it wasn't for Microsoft 99% of you wouldn't be reading this forum and 99% of you wouldn't have a computer.


Not so, they are not the only computer company you know [Www]

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[quote user="Tandem_Pilot"][quote user="tel"]

[quote user="teapot"]Dump vista, microsoft have [;-)][/quote]

Once again I will point out to the knockers of Microsoft - If it wasn't for Microsoft 99% of you wouldn't be reading this forum and 99% of you wouldn't have a computer.


Not so, they are not the only computer company you know [Www]


Wrong!, Though I don't know what you mean by computer company.  I am talking about the 'Windows' operating system, which even today hold 90% of the World market and 80% in the USA.  They popularised the Personal Computer and brought down the price to an affordable level for the home user which was my original point.  There are many rivals to Windows i.e. Mac osx in it's various forms, linux, solaris, zeta etc but they are fairly specialist in their application.  I have a Mac and it is great but it would never have been affordable if Microsoft hadn't developed Windows.  As far as computers (hardware) are concerned I build my own and don't buy off the shelf, that way I decide what components I want that suit me.

I have no financial interest in Microsoft just grateful for the opportunity they gave me.  If you took a staw poll of this forums readers you would find the vast majority use Windows.


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I said Microsoft have dumped Vista, true...

Windows has been reworked, accent on the work.

Long live Windows 7

Does that sound like I am knocking your favorite company?

Vista was badly conceived, badly tested and the code had so many bad bits 3rd party software producers of many years standing had real hang-ups trying to make it work. 

However Microsoft aint gonna give you a nice upgrade from the cr*p they sold you, probably won't cough up the millions they owe to Europe for legal infringements either.

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[quote user="ErnieY"]Highly presumptuous and totally fatuous to say that 99% of wouldn't be here or have computers without Microsoft and Windows.

Lack of choice is no recommendation for anything, computer operating systems included.


First of all my apologies to the OP for this thread going off topic.

Oh dear I seem to have ruffled the feathers of the Mac users.  My statement was neither presumptuous nor factuous, you wrongly assume my assertion was a recommendation, it wasn't it was a statement of fact.  Having a choice of operationg system or not doesn't negate the basic premise that windows gave the majority the opportunity to own and use a personal computer.

Teapot, you also make assumptions, you don't have and never will have any idea whate my favourite company is.  I don't need a refund I am using windows 7 (provided free by Microsoft) on another P.C.


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[quote user="tel"]

First of all my apologies to the OP for this thread going off topic.

Oh dear I seem to have ruffled the feathers of the Mac users.  My statement was neither presumptuous nor factuous, you wrongly assume my assertion was a recommendation, it wasn't it was a statement of fact.  Having a choice of operationg system or not doesn't negate the basic premise that windows gave the majority the opportunity to own and use a personal computer. So did OS2 which another large computer company foolishly sold to........

Teapot, you also make assumptions, you don't have and never will have any idea whate my favourite company is. Oh lighten up I was joking, though Mancunian's were supposed to have a sense of humour! I don't need a refund I am using windows 7 (provided free by Microsoft) on another P.C. Your'e a beta guinea pig but you have given up vista too[Www]


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[quote user="teapot"][quote user="tel"]

First of all my apologies to the OP for this thread going off topic.

Oh dear I seem to have ruffled the feathers of the Mac users.  My statement was neither presumptuous nor factuous, you wrongly assume my assertion was a recommendation, it wasn't it was a statement of fact.  Having a choice of operationg system or not doesn't negate the basic premise that windows gave the majority the opportunity to own and use a personal computer. So did OS2 which another large computer company foolishly sold to........

Teapot, you also make assumptions, you don't have and never will have any idea whate my favourite company is. Oh lighten up I was joking, though Mancunian's (Assumption again!)were supposed to have a sense of humour! I don't need a refund I am using windows 7 (provided free by Microsoft) on another P.C. Your'e a beta guinea pig but you have given up vista too[Www]


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[quote user="tel"]

[quote user="ErnieY"]Highly presumptuous and totally fatuous to say that 99% of wouldn't be here or have computers without Microsoft and Windows.

Lack of choice is no recommendation for anything, computer operating systems included.


First of all my apologies to the OP for this thread going off topic.

Oh dear I seem to have ruffled the feathers of the Mac users.  My statement was neither presumptuous nor factuous, you wrongly assume my assertion was a recommendation, it wasn't it was a statement of fact.  Having a choice of operationg system or not doesn't negate the basic premise that windows gave the majority the opportunity to own and use a personal computer.

Teapot, you also make assumptions, you don't have and never will have any idea whate my favourite company is.  I don't need a refund I am using windows 7 (provided free by Microsoft) on another P.C.



And by the same reasoning, if it were not for the model T Ford, we would not be driving mass produced cars now. I assume that you have a Ford!

I owe Microsoft nothing, I use a home built PC and run on Ubuntu Linux which is much better than anything MS can offer and it is free.

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I owe Linux nothing, I happily use Windows XP and Vista on my computers. I do not feel the need to put down Linux. And in any case it would be silly for me to say one is better than the other. My requirements maybe very different from someone else's.
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Bob T
You used an excellent analogy, Mr Ford did produce cheaper cars for the masses forcing other manufacturers to reduce their prices and make motoring affordable for the ordinary public.  Never owned a Ford, don’t want one, my car is a Toyota, nuff said.

I am not interested in what operating system you or anyone else use now I was pointing out an historical fact.  I suppose you never used a windows computer to hone your skills before moving onto Linux.

I shall close my contributions to this thread before it gets too silly.  I am surprised that the majority of windows users haven’t responded, never mind.


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  • 1 month later...

[quote user="ianmill"]Why are there never questions like   any Firefox experts?


Because there are so few of them who don't use both like me.  Oh and before you try to stir this up again, it is an individual choice to use whichever browser one wants.


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