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Need a microphone for my PC

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I found a link to a "learn French free" website called Livemocha.  Can't remember where I got the link - could have been on here - but anyway, it looks promising but it seems to be quite structured and I can't complete the first exercise because I have to do a "speaking" segment and the only microphone I have is described on ebay as vintage so I don't think it is going to work[:D].  Could some kind and clued up person please tell me what sort of microphone I must buy and what software I will need.  I have looked for a forum on Livemocha but only found a very few limited topics and nothing that is any help.
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I have some ancient software with this facility and my ante-deluvian mic works just fine - no software or anything else required, just plug it into the (I think) pink-coloured (if I'm wrong, it's the green one!) input on your pc and away you go.  I'd definately give it a go before investing in anything new - it's pretty basic technology, afaik.
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I agree with Coops, I used a really old headset for ages and it was fine.  (and it is the pink socket for the microphone, green one for speakers/ headphones).

I've upgraded now; decided to buy a two-ear cushioned headset and mic combination - the sound quality is much better and it's very comfortable to wear for several hours. It plugged in, no software required.  Bon chance avec livemocha.

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I too use a head set, lightweight and very good. If I remember correctly I got it from E.Leclerc and it wasn't expensive. I think that a head set has the big advantage so that you can listen without disturbing anyone else and the sound is much clearer than via the loudspeakers too. Worth while in my opinion..

I have had a look and signed up to that Livemocha programme to see what it is like and it looks quite good so far! Ta for the link..

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Thanks very much folks.  I have two pink sockets on my old(ish) HP Pavillion PC, one at the front and one at the back.  I have tried both and although the panneau de configuration says that it is working properly, I do not seem to be getting any sound out.  Should it be coming from the computer sound system or would I need separate speakers plugged into the green socket?  I am afraid that my approach to any kind of technology has always been on a strict need to know basis which saves cluttering up my mind with unnecessary stuff  [:P]and I have never needed to know about microphones etc until now.  Of course, the mic. could just be broken and the panneau de configuration doesn't realise it.
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It may be worth checking the volume controls if you haven't already

In Windows XP, start/control panel/sounds and audio devices

Click on the Audio and Voice tabs to check and adjust settings if necessary. Also the volume controls may need adjudting or may be set to mute.

Just a thought.


EDIT just noticed the French.... Démarrer/panneau de configuration/Son et périphériques audio

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Thanks Danny but I am afraid that I did that first but I have do all kinds of sounds, just not the ones I want.  I did wonder if the mic needed a new battery but I couldn't get into it's innards.  I think the screw must be stripped or something.  Looks more and more like a visit to Auchan though I doubt it cost enough to need a credit account - unless they have someone who speaks enough English to talk me into a new computer.[:D]

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Do you hear other sounds OK e.g. the little tune when Windows starts up? If so, then you should also be able to hear everything else. If not, check that the soud is not muted. Buy a cheap ( about 7€)  microphone from a supermarket and plug it into a pink socket to test it works. If you haven't downloaded Skype, it might be worth doing so as its setup includes checking your microphone is working OK.

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Thanks Bilbo, Skype sounds like a good idea,  I'll try it.

I bought a cheap new mic. and headphones set on Monday but they didn't work so I trawled the computer help web sites looking for advice.  Discovered that the mic. was not ticked to activate it on the volume controls, and did that but still no luck.  I can get the headphones on the new set to work but only if I de-activate the rear green socket for the speakers on my screen - I have used the front green & pink sockets for the new set.  The new multimedia headset didn't even come with an instruction leaflet, let alone a driver disc but at 9 euros I guess I shouldn't expect too much or perhaps these things don't need drivers.  Anyway, I will try Skype tomorrow and  update.

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It's working!  I fiddled around with the volume settings again, then as Bilbo had suggested, I registered with Skype.  I did the test which didn't work first time but I went round again and bingo - it works.   Only trouble is, there is a really annoying buzzing noise on the sound output now so long as the multimedia headset is plugged in.  It is a bit like the background buzz you used to get from an old, valve radio.  (Yes, I remember them[:D]).  Back to the Geeks help sites I guess.[:)]
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