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I must say that I was wondering whether to post again on this thread,   because like Anton I felt that Mr Little with his 20 posts on the forum had rather "put us all in our place".

As you so rightly say Anton,  we rather had to "feel" our way in order to help the OP,  as the early information was -  through no fault of the OP - incomplete.   My original thoughts were not so wide of the mark  (ie the Bravia was being fed Sky via RF) although I wasn't to know at that stage that it was via a Sedea modulator rather than direct from the Sky box RF out.

My suggestion to feed the Bravia direct from the Sky RF out as a test was probably beyond the capabilities of the OP - on his own admission.  Had it been possible it might have eliminated some possible causes.   But in that case it didn't seem worth pursuing,  for the same reasion that I suspect he'd "rather get a man in" than follow some of Mr Little's (excellent) advice.

I am not aware that I have given any wrong advice as has rather been suggested,  but I also realise that Mr Little was indeed only trying to help,  and in fact has given an excellent and doubtless spot-on diagnosis.  He is obviously more familiar with Sedea products than I am,  as I freely admitted earlier in the thread..

However,  it did strike me as a rather "global" demolition job on the people who had been kind enough to contribute to the thread,  and it left me feeling that in future I'd probably waste less time trying to help people here,  in spite of having done so since 2000/2001 (long before the present forum database was introduced).

However,  as I think that perhaps that would be an over-sensitive reaction to Mr Little,  I suppose I'd better carry on - if I'm wanted.

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[quote user="Martin963"]

However,  as I think that perhaps that would be an over-sensitive reaction to Mr Little,  I suppose I'd better carry on - if I'm wanted.[/quote]

That's all any of us can do; there is always going to be someone who knows better, but they might just be  ...

on holiday

not looking at the forum on a particular day

having an off day

in a bad mood

be otherwise occupied


which is where you - and I - and, IMHO, most of the other forum members come in ...

Sue [:)]

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Firstly it is clear to me I have caused some offence to people who have made many helpful posts over many years on this forum, although I'm not sure it is relevant I have made a great deal more than 20 posts because I have lost my username twice during various changes to the forum.

So I'm sorry if I upset anyone and perhaps I could have been more diplomatic. My remarks were not directed at either Martin or Anton, but I think you will agree there has been some rather dubious comment in this thread. I did not intend a global demolition job as Martin suggests but rather to suggest a little reflection before giving dubious advice to a non technical poster. In order not to cause further upset I will not list it!!

I would not post on a forum if I didn't know the subject but sadly there are those that do, this comment is a comment on forums in general and not only this one. I'm sure that some of these postings are purely to increase the score.

In any case thank you for the kind words in your reply Mr'963' and I hope you continue you to help people on the forum.

Mr Little, Frank if you prefer.

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Thanks to Clair and Sue,  and subsequently to Frank.

The support is much appreciated,  and I'm very grateful too for the clarification from Frank.

Normal service is now resumed,  and in my turn I hope that Frank will be there (ie here!) to help on this sub-forum,  as many of the problems can be solved better by a team effort,  particularly when the original question is a bit "hazy".

Thanks foks.

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