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Humax HDR Digi Box

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Hi Forum,

                  I have just ordered a humax HDR so with any luck I should get a rest fron Emmerdale, Coronation Street, Eastenders etc etc very soon. My problem is this , on setup it asks you for a UK postcode which obviously I dont have now because I live in Central France, I think the postcode is used so that the box can scan for regional variations, I would like to have Welsh variatins.

Has anyone out there installed a Humax HDR and if so how did you get over the problem, it might be as simple as entering a Cardiff postcode but I dont know if the satellite detects where your equipment is geographically and wont proceed , I cant try it yet as I am awaiting delivery next week , but you know what they say about being forearmed.



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Hi have just installed a Humax Foxsat PVR and after some hassle, my fault for not understanding the manual, was able to set it up for the postcode of our old UK address. I don't think you would have problems giving any UK postcode and I don't see how the sat' could know where you are as it is only a receiver and not a transmitter! First impressions are good with one or two minor negatives. The remote control has very small buttons and it is easy to push the wrong one if your fingers are as big as mine. The text, EPG etc, is rather small but maybe not a problem on a large screen TV. The record function is very good and picture quality as good as the original. I would give this product the thumbs up despite the rather limited user manual and with a bit of experimentation I think it will satisfy most people. The wife is not happy that Fiver and Film 24 ain't there but small loss I say!...........................JR

PS Have not yet got it to control the TV but I am working on it.

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There is no spy in the box just tap in whatever postcode you want.

You can also find all the regional variations if you scroll down from BBC1.

I find the Humax HD a much better picture than the old non HD Skybox.

It's even better as there is no subscription so if you are paying Sky £25 a month the humax pays for its self within six months! The non HD Humax is even cheaper and will pay for itself within 4 months.


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Thanks John Ross and Maricopa for the replies.

John Ross you mention losing a couple of channels but my intention is to do it like this (cant be sure yet because I am awaiting delivery of the Humax), however, my existing setup is from a sky box with my old defuncked card in it which enables channel four, 5 etc, and I have routed every TV in the house through an RF Amplifier connected to the 'live' rf output on the skybox ( there are two of them one has voltage on it the other has not. The reason I chose the live one is so that I could fit series link magic eyes to each tele (via the aerial socket) and get remote controls to work all over the house. This system is totally on one channel on my tv (my big tele has the ability to be able to change the source of the incoming broadcast)

So with that in mind I thought I would leave that system as it is and connect the Humax thro the hdmi channel so all I would have to do if we wanted channel 4 or 5 etc we would just have to switch between the two channels by switching the source on the TV.

Sounds great but so did the Sinclair C5, Will let you know how it works out , unless someone out there has alraedy done it ???


Billy 10

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Had mine for a few months, excellent piece of kit.

Just enter any UK postcode, and on 101 & 103 you will get that postcode's BBC & ITV region. Probably on 102 you will get BBC Wales (but not sure, as I used an English postcode). That is the only reason for the postcode request. You will get all other BBC regions & ITV London in the 900s.

Have a look at these forums for lost more assistance:






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Another point I am not sure of as this will be my first experience of HDMI, if I connect the Humax HDR to the tele with the hdmi cable will it only pick up hd broadcasts or will it pick up everything that is available and should one of those broadcasts be HD then automatically play it as such ????


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The cable is only a means of connecting the two, just like a Scart cable - the HDMI cable supposedly gives better results on HD broadcasts but to my eyes there's not really any difference; maybe if the two could be viewed side by side then I'd notice.

You will only get HD broadcasts on HD channels. I don't think the Freesat channel line-up used on the Humax boxes has as many HD channels as Sky does, but ITV HD broadcasts can be received on Freesat whereas they can't on Sky.

I can confirm that all the postcode does is select what regional programming you receive and there is no problem using a British postcode in France.

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