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I appreciate that this has been the subject of another posting but as a result of visiting FT in Saintes yesterday we are totally confused and hope that someone out there can provide more information/clarification.

It is quite clear from everything we have read that if you have a RS you are able to suspend the telephone line and internet connection for the period you are not in the house (in our case 6/7 months). When we started to look into this we found that our FT line was not set up as a RS (don't know why) but it seemed simple enough to get it changed by providing evidence that our main residence was in the UK. With all neccessary papers in hand we went to FT in Saintes yesterday and after a short explanation we were told the following:

1. Our line cannot be changed to RS because we only have one line in France which covers phone and i/net. This seemed a little odd but the lady was very specific.

2. If the above is true (and we doubt it) why is the suspension service offered in the first place?

3. The lady said we could suspend the i/net - no problem but if we suspend the actual phone line then there is no guarantee that we will get our same number back and it may take weeks to re-connect.

From everything we have read on this forum and from the FT www - it does seem that it all hinges on having the line classified as RS but FT (in Saintes) were having none of it!!

We will be packing up in 3 weeks and returning to the UK for up to 7 months and want to get this sorted - so is there anyone who can help us or at least point us in the right direction?

Thanks in advance...............
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From the FT page http://boutique.orange.fr/doc/contrat56.pdf

Le client doit justifier de l’existence d’une résidence secondaire en produisant les documents suivants : 
-  attestation de l’assurance indiquant la nature de l’habitation et 
-  document fiscal précisant l’adresse de la résidence principale (1ère page de la déclaration d’impôt sur
le revenu n°2042 ou  toute autre pièce de  type certi ficat/attestation de résident dans un pays étranger
qui aura été dûment établi par l’autorité fiscale locale).

If you can show them either of these, they should allow your request.

There is no mention of those who have a principle residence outside of France (as far as I can see) so they are just deciding to be obtuse. You may find that another FT'Orange employee will be more amenable. You could contact the English speaking helpline instead...


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"....ou  toute autre pièce de type certificat/attestation de résident dans un pays étranger qui aura été dûment établi par l’autorité fiscale locale."

That would seem to cover those who have a principle residence outside of France.....[;-)].

The Saintes office are giving you information which is contrary to that published by FT/Orange:

[url=http://boutique.orange.fr/ESHOP_mx_ft/?tp=F&ref=3500&IDCible=1&donnee_appel=&id=&type=3]Ligne Residence Secondaire[/url]

I'd go back and ask to speak to a supervisor.



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Spoke to a lady (Irish) on the English helpline and she was very, very helpful and we are now in the process of getting everything sorted out. Should take about two weeks to "convert" the line to RS and then we can - by calling the English help line again - suspend the telephone line and internet. She said allow two weeks for re-connection when we decide on our return in 2010.
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This Orange/FT internet offer (with or without TV) has no minimum contract period or termination fees so could presumably be used for shorter periods at second homes - though it does say you need to maintain a FT line.


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Hi - that's not what the lady from FT (English helpline) told us. Yes - you can suspend the FT line (but only if you have set it up as a Residence Secondaire) and then you have to contact Orange direct to "cancel" the internet connection for the same period. The FT lady advised us that we need to contact her/them approx. two weeks before we want everything re-connected and that they (FT) also look after the re-connection of the internet as well.
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I think that is more or less what Will is saying.

Even though FT and Orange are essentially one and the same your FT line and Internet contract are separate things and by 'maintain an FT line' they mean keep it even though it may be suspended for various periods, not maintain as in pay each month.

Whether you can actually suspend the Internet service will depend on if you are on the plan Will's link points to.

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PeterCD, I can't advise you about stopping and starting internet service, but I can assure you (having done it yet again just this week) that you can suspend or reactivate your telephone service for a residence secondaire via the FT website and it takes no more than a couple of days for FT to act on the commande.
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  • 2 weeks later...
[quote user="Department71"]We are going over at the end of September for about 6 weeks and will have the phone reconnected for the time we are there, do you pay a pro-rata rate for the time in use, or are you charged the full 2 months by FT




They will charge you for 2 months and then rebate a pro-rated portion (minus the "suspension" fee) after you suspend the service.
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