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Which Anti-virus software etc

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Hi Thebiga,

Over the years I have tried most of the Anti-Virus software and now recommend Avira Antivir.  In recent months I have had to repair several computers infected with virus and spyware and all of them had either AVG, Norton, Bullguard and Kaspersky which hadn't protected them.

Avira free is simple to use and has protected my PC for the last 2 years with NO problems.


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[quote user="tel"]

Hi Thebiga,

Over the years I have tried most of the Anti-Virus software and now recommend Avira Antivir.  In recent months I have had to repair several computers infected with virus and spyware and all of them had either AVG, Norton, Bullguard and Kaspersky which hadn't protected them.

Avira free is simple to use and has protected my PC for the last 2 years with NO problems.



At least we all posted links though [:P]


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[quote user="Clair"][quote user="pachapapa"]I now sail exclusively with Microsoft Security Essentials.[/quote]
Same here, with added Ccleaner (as per the link in my earlier post).

Just caught a nasty with MSE, see bottom of rentachicken thread.

I also use CCleaner and have done from the days of Dial-Up; it does a lot of things but is most useful for getting rid off the Temporary Files.

This can also be done quickly with Internet Explorer 8 with a Keyboard ShortCut.

Press at same time CTRL+SHIFT+SUPPR.

There will appear a pop up window with Radio Button Options to select items to clean.

Then Click on Supprimer Button at bottom of Pop Up.

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[quote user="Clair"][quote user="pachapapa"]I also use CCleaner ... it does a lot of things but is most useful for getting rid off the Temporary Files.[/quote]
I use it to remove index.dat files, as they are not deleted by the cleaning routine shown above.


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In an XP environment the Hot Fix Uninstallers should not be activated.

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If you are using adsl all you need is the built in Windows Firewall. The reason for this is that most adsl routers have a firewall built in. This is why if you go "Start - All Programs - Accessories - Command Prompt" and then type in ipconfig you will see that your IP address will normally always start with 192.168.x.x if it doesn't then you need a firewall. The to are private IP address's and cannot be seen across the Internet. You can find out more by Googling something along the lines of "what is special about 192.168 IP addresses".

If you don't have Windows Firewall activated you will keep getting silly messages telling you that you need a firewall. Using it does no harm and of course you won't keep getting the silly messages. If you have a wireless lan that others can access (like I have in my B&B) then they will be inside the 192.168.x.x network and can hack your PC so then it is very important to have a firewall. By far the most common way of hacking your PC is via a Trojan than runs a program that sends back information you type or view to the hacker. This is why good quality anti-virus software that detects these is so important.

Don't use MS Messenger is another good tip as this is the transport mechanism that Windows uses for Remote Access. Technically the system is set to ask you to allow access when somebody asks but there are hacks that bypass this and enables people to sit and watch what you are doing. A few companies like call centres use such a 'hack' to watch the performance of their staff without them knowing. Novell does a 'back end' (Zen) for example that does not require the user to give permission because its part of maintaining desktop PC's and the person is not always around to allow them to do that. It can even 'turn on' or what is technically called 'wake up' a computer that is plugged in to the mains but powered down.

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[quote user="Clair"][quote user="suein56"]Are you saying that Zonealarm is no longer needed if MSE is used?[/quote]

"Microsoft Security Essentials provides real-time protection for your home PC that guards against viruses, spyware, and other malicious software."

Good enough for me... [:)]

Providing it actually does what it says on the tin!

Although Microsoft is a big prize for hackers to claim, they do get hacked, at the launch of Vista Microsoft claimed it was hacker proof. It took I believe 17 minutes for someone to hack it which was an improvement on the 6 minutes it took to hack XP. Are you starting to see a pattern? Why would you trust MS? Ok I am out of my depth here, but my Brother works at IBM security (no not the front gate security [:D]) and because of the way MS write software they have a buffer overload weakness so by using 3rd party software you should be able to improve on this. And take that smug grin of your applemac faces, their OS was even easier to hack!

Likewise windows firewall is not as good as 3rd party firewalls as the designers know MS's weaknesses better than MS will admit to, and you may find all sorts of downloads from MS being placed on your computer.


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[quote user="Théière"][quote user="Clair"][quote user="suein56"]Are you saying that Zonealarm is no longer needed if MSE is used?[/quote]

"Microsoft Security Essentials provides real-time protection for your home PC that guards against viruses, spyware, and other malicious software."

Good enough for me... [:)]


Providing it actually does what it says on the tin![/quote]

By gum, there's nowt that's easy to take in, is there?

Just when I thought I had it all sussed by having ZoneAlarm Pro ... it all changes.

Sue [8-)]

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[quote user="Clair"][quote user="Théière"]Providing it actually does what it says on the tin![/quote]
Isn't that the case for all security software?
In the end, it's all down to faith in the product doing what it is supposed to do.

Yep, it's faith alright and a few reviews from computer people off the web we are trying to protect ourselves from [;-)]

Sue, I used zone-alarm Pro as well until my subscription ran out, just like any other company they all reach new heights of effectiveness until a new kid on the block takes the title. Any is better than none that is a fact you can bank!

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Quillan is of course correct but with a french ISP the restriction is much tighter.

For example my AliceBox only allows from to with the router being 1.1.

It could be argued that the XP Firewall is less secure than the Vista or Windows 7 Firewalls.

But I have never had any problem using them without a 3rd party Firewall.

The main advantage of the Microsoft Security Essentials Programme is that it CAN access your computer.

The Security Programme is nominally free BUT in fact you are supplying MicroSoft with information as it is an obligation to belong to the SpyNet Community.

So the millions of computers running MSE are all collectively assisting each other in the collective security battle.

Microsoft has a solution before people like Norton have had their coffee and got off their corporate asses each morning.

This monitoring is in real time all the time in all time zones throughout the world.

Previously with the monthly update tuesday auto run of MRT.EXE it was only once a month and then only for a very limited number of Malware candidates.

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