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Problems with SFR and NEUF Email accounts

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I think this problem is throughout the NEUF and SFR network at the moment, it started Friday/Saturday 9 Dec 2010  All emails received are being treated at being infected and all you get is the following message.  I know for a fact that the emails are NOT infected, neither do I subscribe to the SFR anti virus!


Votre option Anti-virus Mail a détecté un virus dans l'un des messages qui vous était destiné.

Le message ci-dessous contenait un ou plusieurs fichiers infecté(s) par le virus suivant : Exploit.PDF-9669
Le virus a été détruit ainsi que le cas échéant les pièces jointes infectées.

L'expéditeur déclaré pour ce message est customer.service@healthspan.co.uk.
Pour plus de sécurité, nous vous invitons à le prévenir des virus détectés.

Merci de votre confiance,

Le service technique SFR

Ce message est envoyé automatiquement. Merci de ne pas y répondre : votre demande ne pourrait être traitée.

It might be worthwhile not accessing these Email accounts until SFR/NEUF resolve the problem.  Don't know if its possible to recover these "infected" emails when they solve the problem.  Anyone else suffering the same?

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Sorry to bang on about it but examples like this only illustrate over and over again the short sightedness of tying yourself to any ISP's proprietary email system when there are plenty of free and reliable alternatives available.

Didn't Wanadoo wipe out loads of customers emails when they changed to Orange ?

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[quote user="AnOther"]Sorry to bang on about it but examples like this only illustrate over and over again the short sightedness of tying yourself to any ISP's proprietary email system when there are plenty of free and reliable alternatives available.

Didn't Wanadoo wipe out loads of customers emails when they changed to Orange ?


I still have a Wanadoo account as does my wife. All emails are automatically transferred to my wife's and my Orange account which in truth I only set up last August. I get a lot of emails from people still using their Wanadoo accounts. My network/ISP login has never changed in all the years I have been with them. I don't think many people lost their accounts, I think it was more to do with not knowing what to do (like read the instructions they were sent). I also have a Hotmail account which I use for things where I know if I join or register (like Internet shopping) I will get a load of spam. The only problem with Hotmail (and a couple of others) is that if you don't login for quite a while it deactivates your account and wipes out you emails. You can reactivate your account but the emails have gone. Thats happened to me a couple of times over the years. At least with Orange my emails are downloaded to my own PC and I can archive them myself and there is nobody to blame other than me if things go wrong.

I think the problems with SFR and Neuf is that they are trying to be too clever when they should have done the same as Orange, let the two systems run in parallel.

There is another problem with the likes of Hotmail, Yahoo, Google etc which is email hacking. Hotmail were the latest victim back in October 2009 with over 10,000 accounts hacked before it was stopped, gmail was also hit with over 30,000 accounts hacked in the same month. Sadly very few people knew their accounts had been compromised. Not many when you consider the amount of Hotmail/Gmail accounts there are but alarming just the same. If you Google "hotmail (or any other name) email hacking" there is loads and loads of stuff on how to do it but if you do the same for Orange or other ISP email systems there is very little by comparison. Perhaps its that new "security" feature we were taling about that links the email address to the PC. At least by down loading (and deleting from the server) your emails if you are hacked then there is nothing for them to see. Hotmail and other users can do the same if they wish by using the Microsoft plugin called "Outlook Connector". Orange (as I am sure have others run by ISP's) has had its share as well but its been down to phishing rather than hacking directly in to accounts.

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It does depend on the ISP - as has been said.

I can still access my original BTInternet account in the UK. It's the account I had when I first got on the internet goodness knows how many years ago. Although I told everyone in my address book when I moved to France that I am now on Wanadoo/Orange, I still get some sending to the BT account.

Although when Wanadoo was taken over by Orange there was talk of a 'changeover period' of, I'm not exactly sure, around a year or eighteen months, it has never been acted upon and like Quillan, I still get e-mails to my old Wanadoo address.

To keep the 'bases covered' I also have a Yahoo account, as does my wife. I know this may, to some, sound a little complicated but it actually works very well.

I have the addresses set up on Wndows Mail on this laptop and on Outlook XP on the main machine, and have set up the accounts to remove the messages from the ISPs servers after a few days.

Occasionally I log on directly to the accounts via the Webmail service just to check anything that might have been put into the spam box in error.

In addition, the thing I like about using the system this way is that if I take this laptop back to the UK, it works in the same way there, so I never miss any messages.

I suppose it's called, never put all the eggs in one basket.


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Perhaps after all the message is getting through - an apology of sorts:

Madame, Monsieur,

Il est possible que vous ayez reçu ce week-end des mails avec un message de l'anti-virus. En effet, notre plate-forme de messagerie utilise un anti-virus pour protéger les boites mails. Suite à un dysfonctionnement, l'anti-virus a supprimé par erreur le contenu de tous les mails que vous avez reçus samedi entre 0h00 et 12h30 et l'a remplacé par le message suivant:

Votre option Anti-virus Mail a détecté un virus dans l'un des messages qui vous était destiné.
Le message ci-dessous contenait un ou plusieurs fichiers infecté(s) par le virus suivant : Exploit.PDF-9669 Le virus a été détruit ainsi que le cas échéant les pièces jointes infectées.
L'expéditeur déclaré pour ce message est [adresse mail de l'expéditeur].
Pour plus de sécurité, nous vous invitons à le prévenir des virus détectés.
Merci de votre confiance,
Le service technique SFR"

Le contenu original de ces mails supprimés n'est malheureusement pas récupérable. Néanmoins le message contient l'adresse email de l'expéditeur. Vous pouvez ainsi le contacter pour lui demander de renvoyer le mail en question.

Depuis samedi 12h30, la réception des mails est à nouveau normale.

Nous sommes conscients des perturbations importantes causées par ce dysfonctionnement. Les équipes techniques se sont fortement mobilisées ce week-end pour rétablir le service dans les meilleurs délais.
Vous pourrez trouver plus d'informations sur la page : http://msc1.s-sfr.fr/webmail/InfoVirus.htm

Nous vous prions d'accepter toutes nos excuses pour cet incident et vous remercions de votre compréhension.

L’équipe Messagerie SFR

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