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Well all I can say is you can all see what I pay for. I never asked for this, it just happened. I have looked back through my bills and this happened in July of last year exactly 1 year after I took delivery of this package.

Perhaps it is some sort of bonus as I have been, via Wanadoo (then Orange) a customer for 9 years in total.

To be honest, on the off chance its an error on their behalf, I am not going to phone them up and ask. Having said that my mate who put me on to this deal and took his out at the same time gets the same reduction.

As for keeping the old line all I can say is that in all this time I have lost the phone for about an hour which was a pre-planned power cut and have had to reset the box twice. Judging by what I have seen about other suppliers in this part of the forum I would say its pretty good, in fact outstanding and very reliable. As I said we use call forwarding instead of the answer phone (or voice mail if you like) and have not lost a call yet. Although call forwarding on voip is new (for Orange, started this month) before this we had a UPS/mains conditioner which if there were a power cut would keep the LiveBox running for hours although in truth I never have had to 'test' it in real time because it just has not happened other than the once I have already mentioned. At the end of the day its up to the individual and as they say 'different horses for different courses' but my phone is very, very important to my business and this system has never let me down.

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Note that if you go with Orange you do not need the supplied CD for anything, it's just a hand holder for those who cannot follow elementary diagrams and instructions and installs gobs of useless rubbish on your machine.

You can access the Livebox by typing into your browser.

Once you are connected going to www.orange.fr automatically puts you in the messengerie, and therein lies a bit of a problem because it will also put anyone using the Wifi there too where they will be able to see your emails etc. etc. exactly as you the subscriber do.

Quillan can tell you how to setup a second account which then enables you to log out of it. I haven't bothered because we only have trusted friends as house guests plus I have no intention of ever using the Orange email address for anything other than receiving the occasional email from Orange themselves, most of which are little more than spam anyway so go straight in the bin.

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