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Complete France Forum

Double trouble


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We will hopefully be moving to France(Charente/Limousin borders) mid - late January. It started out that me and my husband would go and that my son (age 23) would stay in England. We went over to France in October and my son and his friend came, they met two girls to whom they've been texting frequently and they have now decided they want to come over to live. My question/problem is, amongst others, firstly, we obviously cannot afford to keep the two of them, although they would be helping us with the renovation work for about the first month, but after that they would need jobs.

My son is an electrician and I wondered whether he would be able to get work out there, does he have to be registered etc. If he does manage to get work, his friend would help him(cable laying etc), but if there wasn't that much work, would his friend be able to get a job elsewhere. I don't know how he would apply for his carte de sejour as he wouldn't have much money behind him.

I was looking forward to a nice peaceful life in france, but it seems to be getting more stressful by the minute.

Any advice would be gratefully received, I've tried telling them that they can't come but that doesn't seem to work, Shame!!!

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Hi Didi - oh dear. I don't think you need to worry really. If you are moving to Charente/Limousin its probably pretty rural and they will soon get fed up with that. After they have helped with the renovations can you not suggest that the South of France is wonderful during the summer - sun, sea and holiday camps just crying out for young workers!

If they really want to live with you and try to find work locally could these girls help in finding them contacts? Best of luck Helen

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