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PC Tip of the day

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[quote user="Ssc"]

Favourites - Am running IE7. How do I get my favourites into alphabetical order. They were, but any I add now just go to the end of the list. I use folders to help organise them but would like them in order within the folders and also the folders themselves.


Tony, click onto Favourites on the command bar at the top of the page (should be next to "Tools") move your cursor over the folder you want to change. It will change to blue and on the right side a list of all the favourites will appear. Slide the cursor onto any favourite and right click, a new box will appear and listed will be be "Sort by Name", That folder will be now be in alphabetical order. Repeat for each Folder, for the favourites not in folders, go to any favourite and right click and in the new box click on "Sort by name".


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[quote user="trumpet"]OK have de-clicked the cookies box in cc.....is that ok to do that?[/quote]

You don't seem very sure. Maybe I can elaborate... When you un check the cookies box, that means that Ccleaner will not delete the cookies on your computer. So all the cookies that you gather will remain on your PC. If you are happy about that - fine. If you want to be more selective, there is a setting in CCleaner to choose which cookies to keep and delete the rest. On the left hand menu click 'options' and then on the 'Cookies' tab. All the cookies on your computer are displayed and you can just drag and drop them into the cookies to keep box. For example the ones called 'living france.com' and 'www.completefrance.com' are placed on your computer when you log on to the forum. These would be useful to keep as you will not keep having to log in to the forum. Cookies can be useful but they can also be more worrying. There are others that track your preferences and habits on line and they gather huge amounts of information about you and I and every one else. Google  - everyones's favourite search engine - place cookies on your computer when you go to their site which do not expire until 2038 . See this page for some very interesting stuff on Google and cookies, especially the points at the end.

And their motto is supposed to be "do no evil" . Have a read here too

Safe surfing!!


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Thank you Danny (Sue take note, on how its done) [;-)]

I will take all on board. Now you seem to know a thing or two so, why cookies in the first place. Why can't Living France do their own thing. And another thing.............No I have pestered people enough, ErnieY in particular today, who has also been a good help.

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Don't quite understand the "do their own thing" bit. Like I said some cookies are useful...

Have a search on Google for cookies and read up... Don't forget that you can block cookies from certain sites in your browser settings should you wish to!!


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Hi Danny.

So a cookie is necessary....but why. Is it a security thing.....who invented them. Why can't you log on to the forum without the thing.

I have tried to google the deal but I soon get lost in all the jargon. Why can they not write an explination that starts like this.

To Turn on the computer press the.......etc. To use this program you first have to do this and then....It is all so complicated. I understand that for instance windows or apple and probably before them, initiated the point to the picture deal etc. But where all people get bogged down is with the what is simple for some ......terminologies...cookies for instance. For me just to set up a homenetwork, took days of trawling through stuff and in the end I still had to get online help. I cannot even figure how to use my AOL phone yet....Its free I want to use it but for some reason I do not understand how!



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[quote user="trumpet"]So a cookie is necessary....but why. Is it a security thing.....who invented them. Why can't you log on to the forum without the thing.

Why can they not write an explination that starts like this.

To Turn on the computer press the.......etc. [/quote]Oh that life were so simple. Computer were invented by and for geeks  - period. 

No 2 users will ever want the same so where do you go after "Turn on the computer" ? Plus of course even if they wrote ABC for everything the books would be feet thick and it's already hard enough to get people to read an A5 leaflet let alone War & PC. You know what they say:

"When all else fails read the frig*in manual.................

Are cookies is neccessary - No, only if you want to avoid signing in to sites everytime (as you've discovered) or you want a site to remember something about you. You can turn them off completely but then you will find that many sites will simply not let you in. It's nothing to do with security, quite the opposite, although in truth they are mostly pretty harmless There is a fair amount of paranoia about them but there are many other facets of everyday computing which are potentially far riskier but I won't even begin to go there...!

This is about as near a description as you'll get in plain English:

"A cookie is a text-only string of information that a website transfers to the cookie file of the browser on your computer's hard disk so that the website can remember who you are. A cookie will typically contain the name of the domain from which the cookie has come, the "lifetime" of the cookie, and a value, usually a randomly generated unique number.

When you visit a website it may send you a cookie. Cookies may be used in the following ways:

  • To help recognise you, so that you do not have to re-key your registration details.

  • To help recognise you as a unique visitor (just a number) when you return to a website and to allow you to tailor content or advertisements to match your preferred interests or to avoid showing you the same adverts repeatedly.

  • To compile anonymous, aggregated statistics that allow a company to understand how users use their site and to help improve the structure of it. They cannot identify you personally in this way.

Two types of cookies may be used on a website: (1) session cookies, which are temporary cookies that remain in the cookie file of your browser until you leave the site; and (2) persistent cookies, which remain in the cookie file of your browser for much longer (though how long will depend on the lifetime of the specific cookie)." 

Who invented them - McVities I think..................[:D]

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To minimize your concerns over "security" just set cookie preferences

(in your browser preferences) to "allow cookies from the originating

website only". Always a good idea to "remove all cookies" in your

machine periodically I find.

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.Com URL’s

If you are typing a “dotcom” website address, (eg) http://www.microsoft.com, instead of typing the full address, simply type “microsoft” (without the quotation marks) in the address bar in Internet Explorer, then press and hold down the “Ctrl”  key then press the “Enter” key.

This will put the “http://www.” at the beginning and “.com” at the end of your address.

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  • 1 month later...
Thank you Tech Support.  I think I will try Affair 101 to start with.  Do you know if I can get this on the internet.?  Although I'd really prefer to see it running first so if you know of anywhere near Le Mans where I can get it, I would be really grateful.  If it has Sports Car 2.6 ready installed that would be great.  I've heard that some versions come with Tall, Slim and Nice B*m as add-ons, do you know about that?  I've also heard that some of the earlier versions are better specified and have a longer shelf-life - is this correct?
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Left Hand Mouse -v- Right Hand Mouse  [I]

If you share a PC with a person of the opposite persuasion it can sometimes be a pain swapping over the mouse buttons so here is a free utility to do just that simply by pressing Ctrl+F12


Personally I'm fairly ambidextrous, with a bias to the left, so using the same mouse buttons with either hand is not a problem for me, I just use the index or middle finger as appropriate [:)]

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[quote user="LyndaandRichard"]If you want your pc to switch itself on or off automatically, then try this free program


I'm using it everyday and works great.
[/quote]Useful little applet and if you hadn't figured it out already you can use it as an alarm clock to wake you up with your favourite music.

When you set the programme up in part 2 tick the box then enter box 2 enter this :

"C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe" / C:\mymusic.mp3  or wherever the music is you want to play.

Alternatively you can use the browse function in the programme to first point to your favourite player then in Params point to the file you want to play [8-|]

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[quote user="ErnieY"]

Left Hand Mouse -v- Right Hand Mouse  [I]

If you share a PC with a person of the opposite persuasion it can sometimes be a pain swapping over the mouse buttons so here is a free utility to do just that simply by pressing Ctrl+F12


Personally I'm fairly ambidextrous, with a bias to the left, so using the same mouse buttons with either hand is not a problem for me, I just use the index or middle finger as appropriate [:)]


Are you leaning to the left when you use your middle finger?

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