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Work in France

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  • 3 weeks later...
There is talk about doing away with the carte de sejour for other European nationalities but until it happens I think you'll need to assume that you'll have to obtain one.

The carte is, basically, issued by the maire of your commune. You'll need the carte in order to live as a French person; the requirement is that after a continuous stay of three months you should apply to your mairie (if you have not already been asked to present yourself). As it's so much up to individual maires it can be merely a formality or it can involve a lot of paperwork and bureaucracy.

The essential consideration is that you will be able to support yourself and not be a drain on the community - so you need either capital in the bank, or to be able to work.


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  • 8 months later...
try the equivalent of manpower; www.anpe.fr You can localise the area and the type of work you are looking for.
You dont actually need a carte de sejour as long as you hold a British passport.
Teacher assistants are always sought after; teaching English in primary schools is a bit thing at the moment. The Chambre of Comerce is always on the lookout for English (native) speakers, who have 5 years experience of working with adults: pay is about 10.65 per hour, but they provide all the books, etc.
Good luck
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