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Windows 7 and orange connection

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Sorry but very dim on this !!! Have Windows 7 now on my computer and wish to connect to my original connection using  a Sagem ( not bought from Orange ) Worked perfectly when I changed to Vista !!

When I go to add and use the telephone number and user name and connection password it will not recognise. Says no dial tone.

I have a telephone number beginning 09 and seem to remember somewhre in my trawling of Orange assistance you need to use something else if you have this number. But ! maybe I am dreaming as have read so much and know so little .

Help in the simplest of terms would be appreciated !!

ps. Do try english helpline but it said ' busy try again !! ' So nothing now till Monday!

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Well first question I can't answer !! Told you I am dim when it comes to the computer and is probably why I can't get it to work !! I have broadband but seems to be with a dial up because when I connect a window comes up with my connection name and password  already there and I just click connect :-) Does that help ?

This is really difficult for me as last change to Vista was easy !! Please be patient  :-(


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Sorry I think I have confused you. The window I refer to is how I used to connect with Vista. And as I am using my old computer at the moment with XP this window is also how I connect.

In 7 when I go the bottom right corner to see available connections. It says no available connections even though all is plugged in and my two green lights are on my sagem modem. Hope that makes sense.

When I have been away, no problems with wifi connections. Bottom right corner , pick connection and browser opens automatically if additional info required. This is why I expected to see the connection automatically.


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I am having a punt here but I think you have one of the following models Sagem F@st 800/840 or a Sagem F@st 900/940 or a Sagem F@st 908/948, my guess is probably the first 800/840. Anyway it does not really matter because checking on their website there are no Windoes 7 drivers available for any of these models. You can check yourself, I have given the link below.


It might be time to get a LiveBox, either buy it or rent for 3 Euros per month. I chose the latter because if you have a problem like it goes bang (during a thunderstorm for instance, quite the thing in France) you can get it replaced free of charge. They also have tech support for it in English over the phone.

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I suspect this is a Sagem Fast 800 (or similar) driver compatibility problem. It connects via USB and requires software to work, unlike Ethernet.

 See here :   http://seekbroadband.com/hardware/USB-Modems/Sagem-Fast-800-840-USB-ADSL-Modem

It's compatible up to Win XP - I had one for my Free connection - and evidently it worked for Vista - but, like a lot of other stuff, the driver is no good for Win 7.

I found this where someone has the same problem :    http://windows7forums.com/windows-7-software/28339-sagem-fast-800-840-windows-7-a.html

I hope that this may help someone to put you on the right track. I'm a Freebox man, myself.

Sorry if the links aren't 'live'.


Andrew 44

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Thanks all. It is a Sagem F@st 800 E4 so guess it is no use. If I rent a live box it do i just ring helpline and they send or if I buy from a shop do I just plug it in and it tells me what to do to connect !! I hope :-)

I did look at them in a shop but when i read a the box it seemed to be for a new set up with a new contract so ........... if you get it home and plug in does it know then you are already set up ?

See I am dim !!!!!!!!!!!!

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Ok folks. Just a few thoughts before bed !!

Do I have to get a special modem to have wifi ( might as well go the whole hog if changing ! )

We have this old laptop which has no wifi and runs on XP and would like still to be able to use this too with new modem so can it be wired ( my daughter in Oz can only use wifi computers on her system . This why I am asking )and will new modem be suitable for XP too .


Saw one in Leclerc but am not sure what to buy if that is the road we go down !

Thanks for all your help :-)

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[quote user="bubble"]

Ok folks. Just a few thoughts before bed !!

Do I have to get a special modem to have wifi ( might as well go the whole hog if changing ! )

We have this old laptop which has no wifi and runs on XP and would like still to be able to use this too with new modem so can it be wired ( my daughter in Oz can only use wifi computers on her system . This why I am asking )and will new modem be suitable for XP too .


Saw one in Leclerc but am not sure what to buy if that is the road we go down !

Thanks for all your help :-)


You might check out the Netgear Modem/Router combos.  They have some that are idiot-proof (I'm the proving idiot) and require no software installation on your computer(s).  I have the DG834PN, but I've had it for several years & am still running WinXP.  I'm sure they have some that would be compatible witn Win7.  (Mine can be used wired or wirelessly, BTW.)

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Given that you have said you don't know or understand anything about these things I would strongly recommend you ignore the other solutions and get a LiveBox. If you have a problem and need some telephone support it is highly likely that they will tell you the line is OK but give you no further support if you don't have a LiveBox. OK some of the technicians may help but its a gamble especially as I suspect you will be using the English speaking helpline which has less technicians.

If you know how to access your account via the www.orange.fr website you can order the LiveBox and they will send it to you. Alternatively I believe you can take your contract, ID etc to an Orange shop and they may do all the paperwork etc and give you a box there and then. You can buy or rent the LiveBox, the buy price now is around the same price as other router/modems for what it offers. I worked out that if I rented the LiveBox it would take me something like 5 years before I broke even against if I bought the LiveBox with extended warranty (you only get one years worth as standard). Plus if you rent and there is a problem everything belongs to them so there is no third party involved. Unknown to me at the time after one year we stopped paying for the LiveBox rental anyway but I gather this is because we only get 1MB speed down here.

The LiveBox comes with WiFi and two Ethernet ports which you can use to connect a computer directly to. You can also buy either a pcmcia WiFi adaptor (goes in the 'letterbox' style slot in the side of your laptop) or you can buy a 'dongle' version that plugs in to one of your USB ports. If you only have one USB port I would go for the pcmcia adapter. Netgear is a good make and you can buy them from Amazon (either UK or FR). To use the WiFi you will have to setup a new link from your computer to the router and type in the new security key which as I said is found in the paperwork and on the label on the LiveBox.

You don't need to use the LiveBox software you can set it up by hand, it only takes two minutes. I can prepare a 'crib' sheet for you with screen shots if you wish, it is really simple.


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I'm with Quillan.

(Actually I wrote this before his post but broke off for something before posting [;-)])

If you are technically challenged then you'd be better off sticking with a Livebox. At least then if you have problems you can talk to Orange customer support and they will be intimately familiar with it. They will not be able to offer much support, if any, for any other router. You should be able to get one from Orange for €3/mth or you can buy your own.

A further possible advantage of a Livebox is that you could then take advantage of the €7/mth free phone calls package.

Furthermore, the simple modem you currently have offers you no protection on the Internet, a router will have an integrated firewall which is pretty essential for security nowadays. Don't worry, there is no setting up to do, apart from entering your Orange user ID and password it's all automatic.

If you do go for the Livebox then do not use the CD which comes with it, all it does is scatter useless rubbish all over your hard drive none of which is at all necessary for the working of the router.

The current Livebox has 4 ethernet ports and you can plug your non Wifi laptop into any one of them.

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Hi Bubble.

From my own personal experience with the Orange Live-box, not a very happy one I must say as it was, for a good percentage of the time a DEAD-box, I had nothing but trouble with it for several years and the only advice that I got was, phone this number and they will check it for you, which just so happened to be a premium number, they would then run their check then say it’s working ok, but it never did.

Eventually I got rid of the semi live box and purchased a Netgear wireless ADSL Modem Router.

It was the end of all my problems when this was installed, and it has now been working perfectly for over 2 years without any problems.


So my advice is. Do not purchase a Orange live box!!

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[quote user="Mr Wiggy"]

It was the end of all my problems when this was installed, and it has now been working perfectly for over 2 years without any problems.


In our family it has been the other way round. We have had a Livebox for 3+ years with no problems at all, whereas our daughter in the UK is on her 3rd Netgear Wireless Router,all replaced under guarantee.

[quote user="Mr Wiggy"]So my advice is. Do not purchase a Orange live box!![/quote]

So, if at all unsure rent a Livebox first at 3€ a month and you wont have wasted much if you decide you don't like it, or, heaven forfend, it doesn't work as it should.

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I too had a problem with my LiveBox just after the last software upgrade (firmware for the more technical) and the fact I had an old box. I phoned the English speaking helpdesk and got a very nice lady who talked me through a couple of things. As my phone runs through the LiveBox she had to phone me back on my mobile to talk me through some tests. When she said that I gave up because in the past with other suppliers they say that and never phone you back. Sure enough within three minutes she called me back on my mobile, I was very impressed, went through a couple of things then gave me a returns number. I told her we were desperate because of our business so they biked a LiveBox over from Carcassonne, checked the returns number and took the old one away. Other than that it has worked very well. Sure I have had to restart it once or twice (literally) after a thunderstorm or power cut but I suspect whatever router/modem I had would also have had to restarted.

I use Netgear stuff around the house and its good as is Linksys (but then that's Cisco really) and they are very good BUT you can still have problems 'out of the box' with them. I mean how many things in your life have you bought that didn't work straight away, at least one or two.

So as I said, get a LiveBox its less complicated. Also you might consider adding a phone at a latter date for free phone calls etc. If you have problems with your French TV as they change over to digital (see the thread where people have lost their TV coverage after the switch over) you can get TV via your LiveBox. So if you get one at least you are 'future proofed' should you want to add other functions at a later date. As Sue says if you rent one you can always return it if you think its no good.

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Everybody has a pet 'don't buy/don't use' product or service, usually based on a single unfortunate experience, so not exactly objective, what Mr Wiggy doesn't say is if his experience was with the same Livebox over that period.

For my own part I have had maybe a dozen different routers, both in UK and in France, and whilst each has had it's quirks and foibles they all did what they were supposed to do. One, a Netgear as it happens, died and was replaced under gurantee but I never ditched one for unreliability only to upgrade or for some new facility, and in fact have 3 of my old ones here in France although I'm not entirely sure why when one emergency spare would suffice [blink]

In about 6 months of ownership I can say that my Livebox 2 has proved no more or less reliable than any other.

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It was the same livebox that continued to give trouble in all the time that I used it, I also asked them to change the box, but they declined by saying that I must get it check out on line or send it away to be checked. Even taking the box back to the Orange shop was a complete waste of time as it appears that once you have signed the contract at the shop and you receive the box. Your on your own and they want no further dealings with you.

The problem was mainly the lack of  the internet service, I was  paying for a service that I was not getting.  It was not functioning correctly and not able to access to the internet.

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That's completely wrong, the whole point of paying the €3 rental is that they will replace a faulty box but you cannot just walk into an Orange shop and demand one, you need to go through customer support and get an authorisation number and it's no skin off their noses to give you one.

If over however many years it was you failed to convince them that your Livebox was faulty, several you said, that is a failing either by you or of the system, and even if the box was faulty it's risible to denounce all Liveboxes on the strength of it.

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Sorry I haven't replied till now to say thanks to all :-) but the garden called with the beautiful weather :-) appreciate all the advice and will definately go for the live box. Probably rented One less thing to worry about if it goes wrong !! I assume I can have internet only ? I use telerabais as our daughter is in Oz so no other phone offers are interesting for us. Also happy with french tv we get with parabole and we do watch BBC with another  .

And Quillan a crib sheet would be excellent if you don't mind ! Will let you know how I get on.


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Ok Live box has rrived :-) Snail mail I think but it is here so Quillan that crib sheet would be great if you have the time :-)

Almost afraid to unplug this machine ! As at least with it I have connection but I do like my other one better !! So hopefully all goes well !!!!

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