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TV down after going digital

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Has anyone had this problem ?I have been watching TNT happily since cable came in with a digibox or decodeur as they say - when we changed over on the 18th my TV screen is now pretty shades of various colours - all the people have blue faces and it is breaking up.I've contacted my insurance co.to see if I can claim.I hear from people in UK similar things happened there. Wot a pig - I thought I would be OK.

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Your post is a little confusing because you mention cable, if you have a problem with a cable operator then that should be your first point of contact.

I suspect though that you are using an aerial and a TNT adapteur. 'decoder'.

On May 18th the Pays de Loire region switched off the analogue TV and the channel numbers for the TNT channels were changed. Therefore you will have to do a rescan to find the new home of the programmes. Of course initially the fact that you say you are receiving some sort of picture suggests otherwise but I saw this at a friends house as a result of the adapteur displaying pictures from the Caen transmitter where the changeover date was in March, these channels had been saved on the first scan and been assigned different numbers, when the Pays de Loire channels disappeared the Caen channels were defaulted to programmes 1, 2 etc.

So the short answer do a rescan, MENU--Recherche automatique des chaines.


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Thanks for the replies - am not very technical I did mean TNT - yes I did all the search stuff on the 18th - it was after that I had the problem.

- I rang the number they gave  for technical queries and the woman looked up my postcode etc etc oddly I now have some of the channels back to normal(no blue faces) but some of the others  are breaking up. She  said it's not the TV - phew - I'm just going to wait and see if it settles. My aerial is old and the pigeons use it frequently rattling it around so doubt that helps.I've lost one channel which is no hardship,I can get it on the computer if necessary.

In reply to the age question - everything is old here -I nearly said  including me ! thanks again

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The way the various adapteurs store and number programmes is not always logical especially where a more distant transmitter has lower channel numbers. You may find that the programmes from the local transmitter have been stored on higher programme numbers sometimes 50's others 500's. So using the Programme + button scan through all the programme numbers over 18. You may well find stronger channels stored higher up.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi, we have lost some channels since the analogue switch off (we have a cheapie TNT box which receives a signal from our rooftop aerial pointed in the Nantes direction). We re-tuned our TNT box and now get canal+ (which we didn't before) but have lost France 2 and 3. Any ideas?
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@ Fred

Are France 2 and 3 still on the list of channels,  ie if you press button 2 does the box still put up a banner with France 2 (and say, no signal) or does the list jump from 1 straight to 4?

In either case,  it's worth looking for missing channels up in the 800's.   Often easier to go to TF1 and use the channel down button to go straight to the other end of the list.   What is the highest numbered channel you do have on the list?

Can you give us a more precise location (without of course compromising your geographical anonymity)?   How far from Nantes?   What direction?

Finally,   what UHF channel numbers are the rest of the programmes coming in on?    You might need to look at detailed menus to find that out,  or do another rescan and note down which UHF channels (or freqs in MHz) the box pauses at (which tells you it's found a carrier and is seeking the channels on that carrier).

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Hi Fred,

Firstly, you are not receiving all or part of the multiplex R1. This multiplex is transmitted from the Nantes

transmitter on Channel 47 at a power of 65kw, as opposed to channel 28 at 34kw before 18th May.

So, assuming that you are using the Nantes transmitter, try doing a manual search on Ch 47 or 679.25 if you have to

search using the frequency. If this works it may put the programmes on the correct numbers or not as the case may

be, as Martin said look at the higher numbers to see if they have been stored there.

In general there appear to be many problems being experienced by viewers since the change over and most of these

are caused in part by relying on the automatic search facility, I would suggest to anyone having problems since the

changeover to find out the channel numbers of their strongest transmitter and use the manual search facility  

(delete all stored channels first).

Many adapteurs store the lowest number channel first irrespective of the strength and now that the signal strength

has been increased viewers who could only receive one transmitter before can now receive three or four dependant of

course on where they are. One of my friends can receive Caen, Le Mans(Mayet), Rennes and Laval (Mt Rochard). The

strongest being Laval to which the aerial is pointing, France 3 is not viewable due to some interaction problem and

it's necessary to use Le Mans for France 3, the neighbour is using Caen?

My point is that there are many new reception problems apparent and these seem to be poorly understood by some

local installers.

You may find the link below interesting.


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