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hi ok

just bought a new pc with French windows 7 on it , I was told by the expert in the shop I could change it to english ..... have done every thing on the microsoft site it told me to do ...the computer says No ...or should I say non.

Any one changed it to english or was the salesman just soft soaping me


one handy thing if i press the spell check button it translates the lot to french
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If you have Ultimate then you can install multi languages free as options via the Update system all other version (home, basic etc) are stuck with the language you get when you buy unless you you get the pack that Pickles is talking about but as he says that only does the menus where as with Ultimate it changes the whole thing. You can buy cheap upgrades via Amazon from whatever version you have to Ultimate or at least you were able to last time I looked.
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You can specify English during the set-up process but once that's done, you're stuck with it afaik.  I bought my computer from the UK and set it up in English but it still insisted in loading all my programmes in French until I found the fix (can't remember how I did it now but I googled it and found an explanation somewhere on Microsoft's site.)  I've had nothing but trouble with 7 as it refuses to recognise many of my programmes so eventually I upgraded to Ultimate which has multi language and allows you to download Virtual XP so now I've got Outlook Express back and I can use all my software and my nice old printer.  But I do feel I've been horrible conned as I've had to shell out lots more money to get back to where I was before with my old PC (sadly dead now).

Worse, I got a new netbook which has a horrible slimline version of 7 which won't even play DVDs unless you pay for more software.  Happily I found a free download after some research but I am not best pleased by Mr Gates and co at the moment, as you might gather!

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I upgraded recently, and decided after much research, not to get a webbook (mainly solid state, prone to overheating, barebones operating systems etc), and got a sub note book (Acer 1410, we used Acer in F1 and the IT dept' swore by them and Ferrari still use them as do most of the teams), slightly bigger than a web book (but not by very much) but has a full operating system, bigger keyboard, HUGE memory etc, and it came with Win7. So far I cannot fault it (well after Vista anything is an improvement) and I'm extremely happy.

There are many geek/tweek sites that have many of the ansers to problems we all encounter so it may well be worth having a look at them, I've already used several of the tweeks for Win7 and it's already faster and frred up a lot of RAM to boot (no pun intended!)

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Amazing, isn't it? If any other organisation treated their customers as badly as Microsoft does, they'd very soon have no customers. MS seems to get away with murder; in no small part because their skilful marketing falsely leads people to believe there is no alternative. This is tosh!

The background is that most manufacturers sell their products with some version of 'doze pre-installed. Customers then can't be bothered to install an alternative (or don't know about one) when they encounter problems like the OP did. Instead they throw more money at the problem.

This is one (free) solution: Goodbye Microsoft. There are others. Iinstalling it requires a little effort, but it's not hard; I've not looked back since doing so!

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@tonyv: Not sure why you felt the need to indulge in an anti-MS rant. Dave wasn't dealing directly with Microsoft, he was dealing with a shop. And the shop have said they will sort out the problem or they will give him his money back or a free upgrade. I think that's very good service actually.

I've nothing against Linux by the way but on the otherhand Windows 7 is rather good :-)
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If it were me I would look at Amazon UK, FR and DE for a copy. You just have to shop around for the best deal and don't forget with Ultimate you get a 32 and 64 bit version on the same disks and it does not matter what country it comes from as you can choose the language. If you can afford it go for a straight copy as in not an upgrade and don't buy a OEM version unless you know how to find and run the software that tricks the version in to believing its on the make of machine it thinks it's on. Don't forget to download all the Windows 7 drivers required for your specific machine before you wipe it clean (if thats your intention as it does save a copy of your original version if you upgrade so you can roll back but then that does take up a lot of disk space) just in case they are not included in base copy, specifically video and network card after which you can at least get to the Internet to download any others that are missing. The machine will probably function without them but it may be a bit slow on the Internet and you might not be able to adjust the screen resolution as much as you might wish. Also don't forget you can 'de register' the product and install it on another machine should yours go bang but you can't run it on two machines at the same time (legally that is).
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hi ok

I just wonder why some people answer posts without first reading the original posting, do not take it the wrong way there are some expert advice given out on these forums ,S.D. and others like him have got me out of the mire more times than I want to remember, and then there are your Harry Enfield trained do gooders offering advice on subjects that are totally above them , they must have a sad life living in the UK with the PC on full time linked to the forum and when a new posting comes up .... you want to put PVA on first .... " what did you do when windows failed " ..." I put a coat of PVA on it " ... " shucks I put a coat of PVA on my PC and it died "... " Funny so did mine "

sorry it`s rant time

and no not on the wine blood tests am so tt

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I presumed you had a non Ultimate OEM Version of Windows 7 bought in Parthenay,Bressuire or Niort, of course in french. Of course this can not be changed into an english version so you only have the choice of buying a brand new in a Green Microsoft Box Ultimate Version of Windows 7.a moderately large expenditure. However if you obtained an Ultimate Version in french this could be after installation changed to english. The leboncoin subscriber may have a pirated copy with a licence key, certainly at € 40 it seems unusually cheap. I shall as a matter of curiosity phone the chappie in Pas de calais tomorrow and enquire what shade of PVA green is on the box.I might even buy it,who knows.

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