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The Endless Pursuit of Broadband

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I wonder if I'm on a quest with as much chance of success as searching for the Holy Grail? I'm one of those dinosaurs stuck out just beyond the edge of reason, that's to say I am waiting ADSL to trickle out to my commune. It's been a long time coming, and sometimes it seems tantalisingly close, but disappears in a puff of mocking smoke.

In essence, nearly a year ago I was told I'd be getting broadband where I live in November (2009). Then, a couple of weeks before the joyous day, the date was moved back to the beginning of January. To cut an interminable story slightly shorter, the date keeps getting put back, every time it seems to be just about within one's grasp, most recently I have just found that instead of August 12, it now gone back to September 1st.

The thing is, the NRA exchange thingy was set up in the local village back in April and even though at that stage the start date was given as the end of May, the Degroup test was showing the NRA as active and it looked like it was ready for take-off. Since then, every month or so, the migration date date has slipped back. I know patience is virtue, but does anyone have any idea how to get a firm answer on this vexing question, I have been banging my head against the wall forever, so it seems ....
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Sadly like most things here, adhering to dates is a rare occurrence. I appreciate your frustrations, but at least you know things are underway. Just add several months to their proposed deadline, and this way it avoids disappointment. There's always satellite solutions in the mean time, though I imagine you wouldn't want to get stuck in a contract knowing ADSL should be coming your way soon.

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Ask at la Mairie?

We are awaiting the thingy that will speed up/boost our ADSL too,  but at least we all get 472 kbps at the moment,   at least some of the time......

Certainly our Mayor seemed a bit surprised that I knew we were due an upgrade (I'd been told by France Telecom engineers who were repairing our line) but he also appeared to know about dates.....

You *do* have my sympathies.

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Well I'm on a racy 28 kbs here, or a bit less than that right now, hence my eagerness/desperation to get any sort of broadband. I know more about what's going on than my Mairie, but she got satellite broadband a few years ago and anything that does happen re ADSL is in spite rather than because of her efforts.

Must admit, I have been tempted to just sod it and go satellite, but I know they're waiting for me to sign the paperwork and tie in to a long deal, and then come along and switch the NRA on the next day. Paranoid, moi?

Which is the most reliable source of information about ADSL here in France? I have actually got three different dates from Ariase, DSL Valley and Degrouptest. Somebody say Ariase, they're still giving me the 12th August!
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  • 1 month later...
Well, shockingly, the switch-on date arrived and it really happened this time :=)

I am now patiently awaiting the delivery of all the kit and then to be activated! Now, this is the bit I find hard to believe, I am told that instead of my soul-destroying dial-up speed of 28 kbs that I have been enduring for the last seven years, I will get 7 to 8 Mbps. Even if it's half that I'll delighted frankly, but I'm not telling them that.

Oh, Chris'nJulie, I'm afraid Wimax was never an option in my neck of the woods :(
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JonDuncan I'm so envious. Like you, we've been waiting eight years and have dozens of promises of next month and so on. At the beginning of March my OH was told at the end of May and when he enquired at the end of June to see what had happened he was told that we would never get it.

Somehow I feel happier with that and have resigned myself to having a dial-up here and broadband in the UK.

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Sorry to hear you're stuck without it at all over here Hoddy. My Livebox and its assorted paraphernalia are currently en route, so I shall soon know if it has been worth the wait.

I do agree though, it's better to know for sure what your status is rather than being continually dangled on a (phone)line like a playful cat with a hapless mouse ...
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