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"Here You Are" Virus

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I rather suspect many of you are aware of this but just in case.

"A new Internet worm dubbed "Here You Have" is streaming into worldwide inboxes, offering a dangerous payload, according to McAfee Labs. The worm, which travels via spam email with the subject line of "Here you have," or "Just for you," masquerades as an email with a link to a video or an attached document file. However, the email actually contains a link to a malicious program that can disable security software and send itself to all the contacts in the recipient's address book."

This came to me via McAfee today but I have seen emails with "Here you have," or "Just for you" in their content  for almost a month now and of course I never click on the link. If you are running any form of antivirus and it is up to date you should be safe.

To see who has been caught already try Googling "Here you have", your be surprised. If you do get (one sign is your PC seems to be sending a load of emails out which you never asked it to do) the try adding the word 'Fixing' in front and Google. It's easy to fix and does, apparently, no long term damage.

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