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[quote user="Pierre ZFP"]Have sent you a P(RIVATE TOP SECRET) M(ESSAGE) [;-)]


Is this a private club? Why on earth do you not just post the details so everyone can see instead of all the cloak and dagger stuff?

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Not intended to be secretive or anything like that but it's just that using a proxy to view things like iPlayer may just not quite be in strict accordance with UK law, I'm not a lawyer so I don't know for sure but would rather not post details on a public forum, there are always Trolls about.

Also it is not me that builds these servers so I don't want to drop someone very close to me in the doo-doo

Just to outline though, for around £200 you get a fully functioning PC running Linux (it would cost more for bigger hard drives etc) plus remote setup plus some support

If you wanted watch/listen to say BBC iPlayer/ITV Player/watch again etc as you would in the UK that's up to you what you use the machine for [;-)]

You would need to site the machine in the UK and have it permanantly connected to broadband to do this though,  plus of course a broadband connection in the remote location (ie France)

I am happy to give details on request.

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In Mark Thompson's MacTaggart lecture, (ref below), he said at one point "Within a year we aim to launch an international commercial version of

the iPlayer. Subject to trust approval, we also want to find a way of

letting UK licence fee payers and servicemen and women use a version of

the UK public service iPlayer wherever they are in the world."


This might remove the need to use proxy servers - at least for BBC content.



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After a lot of looking and asking around i went for www.onspeed.com at 29 euros it seemed to be the best price and they give a 14 day money back offer if not happy.I loaded it yesterday and it allows access to i player and other sites we usually get blocked and they also claim it makes internet faster.Still early days but if it allows me to gain access to i players ect its worth the money. 
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[quote user="Pierre ZFP"]Not intended to be secretive or anything like that but it's just that using a proxy to view things like iPlayer may just not quite be in strict accordance with UK law, I'm not a lawyer so I don't know for sure but would rather not post details on a public forum, there are always Trolls about.
Also it is not me that builds these servers so I don't want to drop someone very close to me in the doo-doo

You would be very sensible to avoid posting specifics on an public forum. Even Google Alerts finds that stuff. The HADOOPI loi is aimed at criminalising file sharing, however it is directly a law protecting copyright. It wouldn't take a great leap, for example Canal+, the Premier League rights holder in France, to try to protect it's ownership, and financial investment, by using the law. I doubt they would, as it wouldn't be cost effective, but..................

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The other day I managed to watch a programme which has interested me ("The Modern Family" - a sitcom which has won countless Emmies and Golden Globes in its first season) via ABC's own website.  The only problem was that it was clearly "streamed" (I think that is the term - I'm an amateur at this) and thus took ages to buffer so that I was watching it in jerky, bite sized chunks and got sick of it after a while.  What I want to know is, whether I bought this dubious product which our new poster (if he's a regular then why doesn't he let us know his previous forum name so we can take him seriously?)is touting, IPortal or something else, would I get the same dissappointing results or is one able to download programmes from BBC i-player, Four on Demand etc etc and watch them without these irritating problems?
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[quote user="johnycarper"]

Not sure i want to get into this arguement as life is  too short,but just to say i have gone with www.onspeed.com and at 29 euros a year its one of the cheaper ones and you can watch the bbc with no problems.[/quote]

I used onspeed in the UK when we had dial-up and that was a lot of years ago. For speed increase I didn't think much of it but just to use as a UK proxy is an excellent idea.

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