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Orange answer service

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I have a phone with an answering machine on, which used to cut in before the orange service cut in (dial 3101 to retrieve them).

Something has happened though and the orange answer service cuts in before my phone answering machine.

I haven't done anything (knowingly!!)... maybe I pressed a wrong button somewhere[8-)]   Can I choose how many times the phone rings before the Orange service picks up?

I've dialed 3101 to see if I can make head or tail of it.... but I'm rubbish at "press button 4"...... "now press button 2 followed by button 1" at the best of times - I don't have much of a chance when it's in French!

Can anybody help?

I'm an idiot I know!!

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I remember something similar happening with the phones at Judie's office - the problem was made worse because not only had the FT answer service kicked in unwantedly, the answerphone had packed up and would not answer before FT got the call. You can change the FT/Orange service. I think it may be an option on the menu system you love to hate, but in our case we had to speak to the FT operator, who didn't know either, but eventually found out how to do it.

Edit: Here it is - http://assistance.orange.fr/messagerie-vocale-3103-regler-le-nombre-de-sonneries-4001.php

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At some time since mid-July, the messagerie vocale for everyone in our village with a FT ligne fixe got turned on (local opinion is that it's related to the conversion of FT to Orange, but who knows?).

Many people who had not previously used the FT voicemail (myself included) did not discover this until friends began asking why they never replied to VM messages.

I found the following instructions at http://assistance.orange.fr/desactiver-et-reactiver-la messagerie-vocale-3994.php:

desactiver la messagerie vocale

Depuis votre ligne fixe, procedez de la maniere suivante:

1. Composez le 3103

2. Composez le 2 pour Personnaliser votre messagerie

3. Composez le 4 pour la Gestion de la messagerie

4. Composez le 2 pour Arreter la messagerie

Vous entendez Desormaisla messagerie ne prendra plus vos appels

(La desactivation de votre messagerie prend quelques minutes.)

This worked for me.



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