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Internet Explorer - The Decline ?

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I loath IE and only use it when I have no alternative, which is rarely. Even at work, in a corporate environment where it the default browser, I use Firefox Portable from a USB stick although astonishingly there are still sites which will not render correctly in anything but IE.

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[quote user="Salty Sam"]Looking like Internet Explorer has lost its way ! http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/internet/8048679/Browser-wars-the-rise-of-Chrome-threatens-Internet-Explorer-and-Mozillas-revenue.html and is it any wonder when you have situations like this; http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/10/08/ms_october_patch_tuesday_pre_alert/


I use Internet Explore Beta 9 on the Complete France Forum site because it still uses archaic software; thank you Archant; however it does enable the rendering of the posting rectangle in full size with the addition of the Insert Smileys Bar.[:D][:D][:)]

For normal surfing I use Opera Beta 10.70 which is faster than Chrome and is IN MY HUMBLE OPINION the best Browser on the block.

With reference to your SELECTED LINK regarding October 12th 2010 update tuesday and the notice of 16 security updates; I note that it would appear that only 4 are directly related to the Internet Explorer Browser!!!

The remaining updates are principally directed towards Servers and Application Software. However the incriminating use of the "magic bean" 17 serves to support your evident lack of equanimity.

Microsoft Releases Advance Notification for October Security Bulletin

added October 7, 2010 at 01:34 pm

Microsoft has issued a Security Bulletin Advance Notification indicating that its October release will contain sixteen bulletins. Four bulletins will have the severity rating of critical and will be for Microsoft Windows and Internet Explorer. Ten bulletins will have the severity rating of important and will be for Microsoft Server Software, Windows, and Office. The remaining two bulletins will have the severity rating of moderate and will be for Microsoft Windows. Release of these bulletins is scheduled for Tuesday, October 12, 2010.

US-CERT will provide additional information as it becomes available.

Source: http://www.us-cert.gov/current/

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Only 4 directly related to IE ? Phew, that's OK then.

If I could just point out, the remaining updates also cover Operating Systems (XP, Vista, and W7), in addition to Servers and Application Software.

So basically IE user or not, anyone using Windows should ensure they obtain next week's updates !
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I'm not sure why everybody is so vitriolic about IE really.  I've never felt tempted to use anything else (I had Mozilla once on a Netbook which used Linux but changed it after a month as I couldn't get used to it.)  Not that I think it's the best thing on the planet or anything just perfectly servicable and in ten years or more of using the internet, problem free (apart from the ten minutes or so it took me to find out about compatability view).
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You've said it yourself Coops, if you haven't properly explored (ha) the alternatives you cannot know why so many eschew IE.

To put in terms I know you will relate to, how can anyone who has never been ba**s out down the Mulsane Straight, round the Nurburgring, or Tarzan at Zandvoort (done 2 & 3) ever understand the buzz [;-)]

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[quote user="Salty Sam"]Only 4 directly related to IE ? Phew, that's OK then. If I could just point out, the remaining updates also cover Operating Systems (XP, Vista, and W7), in addition to Servers and Application Software. So basically IE user or not, anyone using Windows should ensure they obtain next week's updates ![/quote]

I agree with you entirely, anybody using a MS Operating System should protect their PC.

Next tuesday at 19:30 I shall log on to the french MS server and update manually.

However most people are not as security conscious as PPP and will probably leave it until the server prompts them on wednesday or thursday.

I seem to recollect you making that recommendation on an earlier thread.

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I meant , ANO, (maybe I put it badly) that IE seems to do an OK job.  The thing looks nice, is easy to read, speaks a language I understand, things are where I want them and are easy to move around.

I've tried Firefox because it came with my Netbook but as said above, found it impenetrable so got rid of it after a month or so and went back to IE.   It just seems a national sport to bash it when it does an adequate job.

I'm not looking for a Ferrari, just the ability to surf the internet. 

If you think changing to Opera or something else will be like doing 200k down the Mulsanne then I'd give it a go, but I doubt it would have the same effect on me somehow!

I've never had any sort of virus or anything else like it - maybe I've just been lucky and tomorrow my computer will get destroyed from within - but I suspect that has more to do with the way one uses the web than anything else.  I rarely get SPAM either (about 2 a week.)

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Coops, I use Opera purely because I like its interface, no more. It has downsides in that I cannot do any banking with it and some sites I visit aren't geared up for it, but overall, for me the pros outweigh the cons. Those awkward sites, I just use firefox.

I like the speed dial page where my top 9 sites are displayed when I open it, I like the look of it and the speed of it. It's like some people like Peugeots, others Citroens.
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[quote user="Mr Coeur de Lion"]Coops, I use Opera purely because I like its interface, no more. It has downsides in that I cannot do any banking with it and some sites I visit aren't geared up for it, but overall, for me the pros outweigh the cons. Those awkward sites, I just use firefox. I like the speed dial page where my top 9 sites are displayed when I open it, I like the look of it and the speed of it. It's like some people like Peugeots, others Citroens.[/quote]

Opera recently announced the future incorporation of Flash 10.1 into their Browser. This measure will make the Browser more polyvalent in rendering web pages.

A positive move.


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I think most of the vitriol stems from the fact that it’s popular on the net to hate Microsoft, and big business in general. Although strangely, Apple doesn't seem to get it in the neck as much as MS!

As regards IE8 itself, it ain't half as bad as people make out. For example, I am using a fast multi core PC running Windows XP at the moment. It’s got both IE8 and Chrome installed. If there is a speed difference between the two browsers, then it’s so small I hardly notice it. But I actually prefer IE's interface, Chrome is a bit too minimalist for my taste. Funnily enough I do use Chrome occasionally because some web pages don't render properly in IE!! – I find the Guardian on-line tech articles worst for me in that respect, and some of Google’s own pages.

As regards declining market share, that's inevitable because the competition is so much stronger these days and I think its actually a good thing - people have a choice and competition has made all browsers better, so its win-win!. But of course a lot of the MS haters don't like to admit IE has got better, and if IE9 is better still, boy will they hate that :-))

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Firstly you have to contract the trojan of course but frankly anyone who allows their browser to store passwords, be that FF, IE, or any other, is, IMO, begging for trouble anyway.

A simple check of file dates will reveal whether or not the referenced file nsLoginManagerPrompter.js has been compromised. In FF 3.5.11 which I'm currently using (for compatibility with a certain plugin) the majority of file dates are 17/08/2010 and nsLoginManagerPrompter.js is no different. As a passing superficial precaution I have both copied it and made it read only but beyond that you may rest assured that I'll be loosing no sleep over the revelation, much less scurrying for the 'safety' of IE [;-)]

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I don't think your date test is infallible. A hacker would be easily able to noble the file modified date so that it remains the same. And I think making the file 'read only' isn’t much of a defence either.

But this does illustrate one of the downsides of “open source software” – if the bad guys have access to the program code they have a head start when it comes to subverting it for their nefarious purposes.

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The Chilean Mining Authorities are showing wise prudence in delaying the start of pulling trapped miners until mid-night.

This will avoid any possibility of any effect on their computer management information systems on the day Microsoft conduct security updates.

Commonly called "update tuesday".

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A pretty graph with a bunch of numbers which in truth mean little or nothing at all, what does 'relative score' mean or imply. It's like quoting top speeds and acceleration times for family cars, who really cares about that stuff and I would suggest that in the real world most would either not notice or not care about the difference [;-)]

Whatever it means taking the numbers simply at face value it's nice to see the all singing all dancing IE9 storming in 9th out of 14 [:P]

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So according to the graph Chome 6 is roughly 4 times as fast as IE8 (whatever that means?). Sorry that's b*ll*cks!

A quick (unscientific test) on my PC. Time taken to load BBC home page;

IE8 7 secs

Chrome 6 secs

From the cache both browsers load the page in about 3 to 4 secs.

And I find similar small differences on virtually all the sites that I visit. And in practice I notice very little performance difference between the two browsers.

Conclusion. Don't believe theroretical performance stats!!
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