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Subscription to Living France

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It is now the 7th Dec and we still have not received the December issue of Living France. Can someone please explain why? My son subscribes to another British magazine (computers) and received the December issue, here in France, through the post, the last week in November. Although we can access Living France on the internet it is not the same as reading it, but why does it take so long to get here? It would be quicker to get a friend to buy in UK and post it to us than to get from subscribing so what is the point? Does anyone else have this problem?
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LAST EDITED ON 07-Dec-01 AT 10:26 AM (GMT)

>It is now the 7th Dec
>and we still have not
>received the December issue of
>Living France.

I live in France and mine arrived in this morning's post. There was a thread recently on this subject. It does seem that all UK subscriptions will arrive well before European ones. I assume that all subscriptions are sent at the same time, and Living France are in the hands of the postal service with respect to actual delivery.

>It would be
>quicker to get a friend
>to buy in UK and
>post it to us than
>to get from subscribing so
>what is the point?

If you try this next month, and you do receive a copy before your subscription copy, then maybe you have a valid point, but personally one or two days difference makes no odds to me. Remember your subscription saves you money, over the yearly cost of buying the mag from a shop.


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