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Now I can't suspend my phone service

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[quote user="tenniswitch"]After 8 years of turning our phone on and off via the FT website with no problems, I am suddenly unable to do so. When I click the "demander la suspension de la ligne" link, I get an "IE can't display the webpage" message in the window that opens. Anyone else having this problem?[/quote]

You now need to go to: [url]http://www.orange.fr/portail[/url]. If you don't have an account, you'll need to create one in 'Espace Client', otherwise click on 'Identifiez-Vous' and follow the instructions for logging in.

You should then be taken through to your 'Espace Client' page, where you'll find your services listed including "Mon compte internet", and "Mon compte fixe: 02xxxxxxx2". This box will show whether your line is suspended or active. Clicking this link will provide you with the means to activate or deactivate your phone.

Any problems, please don't hesitate to PM me. 

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[quote user="Salty Sam"]

[quote user="tenniswitch"]After 8 years of turning our phone on and off via the FT website with no problems, I am suddenly unable to do so. When I click the "demander la suspension de la ligne" link, I get an "IE can't display the webpage" message in the window that opens. Anyone else having this problem?[/quote]

You now need to go to: [url]http://www.orange.fr/portail[/url]. If you don't have an account, you'll need to create one in 'Espace Client', otherwise click on 'Identifiez-Vous' and follow the instructions for logging in.

You should then be taken through to your 'Espace Client' page, where you'll find your services listed including "Mon compte internet", and "Mon compte fixe: 02xxxxxxx2". This box will show whether your line is suspended or active. Clicking this link will provide you with the means to activate or deactivate your phone.

Any problems, please don't hesitate to PM me. 


Have done all that (multiple times). Unfortunately, the link has stopped working for me. It pops a window up, but I get the IE (8) can't display message.

Maddening, as I've been doing this flawlessly for years.
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If you get automatic updates to windows then over the last week there has been an update for IE8 to do with compatibility with older websites (the update number varies depending on operating system). You might have a look and see if you have it, what date you installed it and does that 'link' with the time you have had this problem. If it does you can remove the update or simply 'Restore' to a previous date and try again.
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I had the same problem earlier in the year, used the system for ages, then at the end of July it wouldn't turn off via the website. We returned in September and whilst there opened the 3000 account from our line, when we left phoned them and got the line suspended. Checked our account today and it is in fact suspended as requested.

 Tenniswitch I know this is no use to you at the moment but maybe its something to look into on your return. Another post mentioned they E-mailed FT and got it suspended that way.

Good luck


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[quote user="Department71"]I had the same problem earlier in the year, used the system for ages, then at the end of July it wouldn't turn off via the website. We returned in September and whilst there opened the 3000 account from our line, when we left phoned them and got the line suspended. Checked our account today and it is in fact suspended as requested.

 Tenniswitch I know this is no use to you at the moment but maybe its something to look into on your return. Another post mentioned they E-mailed FT and got it suspended that way.

Good luck

[/quote] Thanks. At the moment I can't seem to find any link to email them. There's nothing in the "contactez nous" section that I can see.
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[quote user="Jane and Danny"]on this page,
two thirds down the page there is 'votre compte fixe'.
Click on 'nous contacter par mail' and you should get a box in the next window to send you message.


That popup won't display for me either.  Tried connecting yesterday on son's computer using Firefox; no joy there either, so it isn't simply an IE thing.  (And he uses a different ISP.)

Thanks, all, for trying to help.

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[quote user="Jane and Danny"]strange - works for me on two different pcs with Firefox or IE
Have you gone through the steps outlined here?


Yep.  And I've been turning our service on and off w/o problems for years.  I had no trouble turning it on from here in August.  I've now tried on 3 computers (2 w/IE and 1 w/Firefox) with no success.  It's not a huge expense, but it is annoying.

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Only other option I can think of at the mo is to phone FT or their English speaking number if your French is not up to it. Might not be too cheap from the US but it must be cheaper then X months rental.

Do you have an Internet cafe anywhere close where you can try? As no payment details would be needed should be fairly safe. One thing I do is to use the "on screen keyboard" to enter account/password details as there are no key presses I assume key loggers won't pick it up, I hope!!

Good luck


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For the record, I've downloaded Chrome (which I don't like, BTW) and the Orange website doesn't work better there either.  In fact, the pages that DO load, load more slowly than on IE8.

If I can figure out how to call FT via my Google Voice number, I may do it.  I managed to change the EDF account for the property from our name to the new owners' and to get the prelevement started for them, so I think my French is probably up to suspending our service.  Of course, I'd have to call again to restart before we get back if Orange hasn't gotten the website fixed.

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