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Integrated Tuner (in TV)

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I use TNTSAT (non HD) as I'm in a poor reception area for terrestrial. I've just got a new tv that has integrated tuner(s) - the blurb says for TNT terrestrial and/or satellite.

"Le téléviseur est équipé d'un tuner TNT Haute Définition (compatible avec les formats audio AC3, AC3+ et HEAAC) et d'un tuner TNT DVB-C. Ceux-ci vous permettrons de réceptionner et de regarder les chaînes de la Télévision Numérique Terrestre et/ ou des Satellites en Haute Définition."

Does this means I don't need my 'old' TNT box? Any ideas, please?
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Yes,   as ppp indicates,   the blurb seems to have run away with its own enthusiasm a bit there.

And often you actually need DVB-S2 for HD sat broadcasts (although I haven't checked the TNTsat parameters recently;    but German TV uses DVB-S2).

A bit like all the people in Britain who are now discovering that their oh-so-flash "HD ready" TV doesn't actually pick up any of the recently introduced Freeview HD broadcasts and that they've got to go out and buy another box if they want to see BBC/ITV/ch 4 in HD.

Marketing.......   ouff.

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I've done a bit more research and it looks like I need a CAM (Conditional Access Module) to put the card in which are about another €50 so I think I'll stick with the TNTSAT box just connected to the TV. Still can't see how to get the satellite signal direct to the TV but doesn't really matter as I'm not going to use it. To be honest, the picture quality on the new TV is unbelievable for non HD, I'm more than happy.
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[quote user="Anton Redman II"]I thought TNT Sat and Fransat needed a card slot as well ?[/quote]

you are correct(ish).

For reception of TNTSAT or Fransat, you need a card and specific decoder to go with it. The cards will not work in any other receiver or TV card slot (even with a CAM installed.)

For the OP, the slot on your TV may work for other terrestrial ******EDIT****** bouquets with the right CAM and/or subscription *******EDIT******* but not for TNTSAT or Fransat.

So you will need to continue to use the TNTSAT decoder/card if you want the TNTSAT channels.


*******EDIT****** There are some terrestrial subscriptions available in the UK which you can use the CI slot on your TV http://www.radioandtelly.co.uk/cam.html

I don't know if there any services available in France. I suspect Canal+ can be had this way but I am not sure.

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[quote user="Jane and Danny"][quote user="Anton Redman II"]I thought TNT Sat and Fransat needed a card slot as well ?[/quote]
you are correct(ish).
For reception of TNTSAT or Fransat, you need a card and specific decoder to go with it. The cards will not work in any other receiver or TV card slot [/quote]

Two things, I bought a white Sky card off the internet (Ebay) and paired it myself using the installers option on the Sky box and it works fine except for the regional news being the wrong region for me.

When my Orange decoder was wet upon by the cat I had to get another, they didn't give me a new card, I simply put it in the new decoder, ran throught the setup and off it went quite happy. Now I don't know if, because you are attached to the Livebox and hence the internet if it does something clever or not to register the card to the decoder but it's still working with no problem.

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not quite sure what you quoted me for but anyway I was only referring specifically to TNTSAT and Fransat cards which will only work when put in their respective specifically labelled decoders.

I don't have Orange or Sky TV cards.


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