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Orange: Problem with delayed EMAILS

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Firstly you should have converted to an Orange account, the system will do this for you if you ask it to and all emails going to your Wanadoo address will automatically go to your Orange address.

Do you have more than one email account? Both Wanadoo and Orange allow(ed) you to create up to five. If you do is there a delay if you send an email between accounts? Tgis will give an indication of if there is an Orange problem or the problem lays between the sender and the Orange servers. I have to say that I have had similar problems at times but mainly with the EDF website sending me the colour of the day for TEMPO, sometimes it turns up a day late, other times not at all. Another thing, by default Orange has anti SPAM enabled and sometimes I have found good emails in the SPAM folder on the server. This is a real pain because if you use something like Outlook or Outlook Express you simply won't know because it only reads from the Inbox on your Wanadoo/Orange account. You can disable the SPAM option from your Wanadoo/Orange control panel on their website in the Client area. I found this can speed things up because the server does not have to evaluate the email to decide if it's SPAM or not. Hope that helps

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