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ALICE Bridé.

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Last night I disconnected the Alice Sagem Box before retiring to bed.

This morning I reconnected and noted download and upload bandwidth commensurate with an ADSL 2+ connection.

Within 60 seconds the Alice Box had of it's own volition rebooted and reduced the available bandwidth significantly.

The characteristics with time and bandwidth were as follows:

Historique des connexions ADSL

EtatDateDébit montantDébit descendant

20/02/2011 à 09:31:24566 kbit/s12106kbit/s

20/02/2011 à 09:30:59

Mise en route997 kbit/s23122kbit/s

I consider these figures to indicate a "prima facie" confirmation that Alice are "throttling" the bandwidth of ADSL connections to their subscribers.

I wonder if this apparent restriction of bandwidth is unique to me, to Alice subscribers in general or is indeed a policy exercised by other Internet Service Providers to the detriment of their subscribers.

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