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I've been with Orange for 4 years now, no problems apart from cost. I need just an ADSL service, no TV, no telephone, definitely no supplied box. I have my own reliable modem/router stuff.

We live in an area with a maximum of 2mega download service.

Orange have emailed to say that the cost will shortly be going up to 37€ per month, which is very expensive I think, but I put up with it because I get what I need. I think they're trying to get me to take up one of their packages.

I've done one of those "ADSL availability" tests (www.degrouptest.com) and notice that NordNet are now offering basic ADSL for 19.90€ - that'd do a treat pricewise! Does anyone in Poitou-Charente (or indeed anywhere outside NordNet's home area of Pas de Calais have any comments about service? Do they have a webmail facility?


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[quote user="BJSLIV"]...they are 100% owned by FT/Orange![/quote]

Blimey BJSLIV,  I didn't know that!

I'm tempted to try them, but I don't want to be the Poitou-Charente pioneer! [Www]

I hope someone will be along soon with some experience of them.



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  • 2 months later...

Hi BJSLIV and Sid,

I hope I've got to you in time. DON'T TOUCH NORDNET WITH A BARGE POLE. Unless you only want use it to check your emails a couple of times a day and listen to The Archers. This is not anti-Nordnet, per se, but all the internet satellite providers who seem much of a muchness and who might be condemned in the UK as selling something which is not fit for purpose.

They offer two schemes:

- unlimited access but regulated meaning that after moderate use, your back to dial-up speeds or less;

-"high" speeds (54mbps) up to a max of 2 Gb per month.

We asked around and were told that such limits would be fine. They're not. If you used Nordnet like you'd use UK broadband or French ADSL, you'd be back to square one in two days. 

We're stuck with Nordnet for two years, which is cheaper than buying the whole kit. We've decided to keep our dial-up for things like the radio, downloading paid-for music etc ( i.e. the sort of stuff you'd want to have broadband for).

Good luck!


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