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Hi Danny, at the mo we look as if we have been invaded by mutant ninja

moles and there are 7 HUGE holes in our garden where we are trying? to

find a bleedin water leak every day for the past  5 daze, so there is a

very good chance that I missed it, which I did[8-)][8-)] We carry on tomorrow[:'(]

I have just done a revisit and will go through it. We just have Macs

now, no dirty one, just nice clean shiney ones! An iMac and a MacBook


I have been through the sequence of System Preference, Printer, add

printer, etc and although the iMac can see the printer the MacBook

can't. The iMac recognises it as the address but still won't

print. The Macbook just still sees it as the printer attached to the

iMac and when it is connected to the iMac it will print.

Both machines are running under wifi, no ethernet connected.

I will have a close look at the link in the morning, too knacked now! I

am just not used to doing any hard work and our clay is probably very

good for pottery, but bery heavy to shovel!

The sequence I used is this http://assistance.orange.fr/partager-une-imprimante-usb-avec-la-livebox-2-47.php

Just a bit on the original thread. This is a bit form our Livebox

window. We can only get less than 1 meg here at the mo. Does that look

true from the attenuation figures here? We are just over 5K from the


Technical caracteristics
1.14 Attenuation Up : 31.5 dB
1.15 Attenuation Down : 65.0 dB
1.16 Noise margin up : 23 dB
1.17 Noise margin down : 10 dB
1.18 Max rate up : 320 kb/s
1.19 Max rate down : 1216 kb/s

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When I get further into it it says:

Il est possible que votre zone géographique ne vous permette pas d'accéder aux débits supérieurs.

Vous pouvez bénéficier du service TV d'Orange ADSL avec satellite (via

une antenne satellite compatible) inclus dans votre offre en cochant la

case ci-dessous.

Pour plus d'informations sur le service TV d'Orange associant ADSL et satellite, consultez la fiche d'information.

Le téléphone par internet est inclus dans cette offre. Si vous

bénéficiez déjà du téléphone par internet vous conserverez votre numéro

de téléphone actuel.

Caractéristiques de votre offre

20 mégamax(2mm)

and clicking continuer gives

Le récapitulatif ci-dessous mentionne l'ensemble des offres, options ou équipements que vous avez sélectionnés.

- Si certaines options détenues sont incompatibles avec votre commande,

elles seront résiliées automatiquement et figurent dans le tableau. Vos autres options ou équipements détenus restent inchangés.

- Le prix indiqué pour l'offre ne comprend pas le coût éventuel de

l'abonnement téléphonique lié à une ligne fixe (tarif France Télécom :

16 € TTC/mois).

- La mise en service de votre nouvelle offre s'effectuera dans un délai

maximal de 15 jours; Pour plus de détails consulter les CGA.

Pour les services de mobilité, un délai de 48h à 72h minimal est nécessaire pour activer votre nouveau forfait.

- Après validation, votre changement d'offre sera pris en compte par

Orange sans autre intervention de votre part. Vous serez facturé de

votre nouvelle offre à partir du mois prochain.

- Vous pourrez continuer à consulter et faire évoluer votre offre dans la rubrique Mon compte internet > ma formule.

As I understand it though none of this will change the 1mb I currently have and or give me the 3-4mb I am certain my line is capable of supporting [:'(]

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[quote user="Jonzjob"]Just a bit on the original thread. This is a bit form our Livebox

window. We can only get less than 1 meg here at the mo. Does that look

true from the attenuation figures here? We are just over 5K from the


Technical caracteristics
1.14 Attenuation Up : 31.5 dB
1.15 Attenuation Down : 65.0 dB
1.16 Noise margin up : 23 dB
1.17 Noise margin down : 10 dB
1.18 Max rate up : 320 kb/s
1.19 Max rate down : 1216 kb/s

The 65dB is the killer and roughly correlates to a distance of 5km [:(]


My own numbers are:

Attenuation Up 24.1 dB

Attenuation Down 43.1dB

Noise Margin Up 34dB

Noise Margin Down 12db

Max Rate Up 326 kb/s

Max Rate Down 1215 kb/s

With 43.1dB attenuation I should reliably be in 3.5-4mb territory, not stuck on a poxy 1mb (only 512kbs according to all other ISP's), and all thanks to Teleconnect (spit) [:@]

Ironically my actual attenuation has actually improved by some 6dB or so since I first got online in France !

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as long as you have just selected

Débit maximal auquel votre ligne est éligible

and then continuer,

you can then choose valider (if I remember right) to confirm.

There is no extra charge.

The blurb you got is just standard  but does not say what I get if I recheck mine. i.e that the speed you have is already the max the line can support.

The 20M(2M) says that you are limited to a level of 2Mb at the moment.

You have nothing to lose by validating your demand and the possibility * of a small improvement.


* I am not 100% certain that you will get any change but it should stop any commercial limitation. It can take 15 days to be changed.

If you keep an eye on your synchronisation, you should be able to notice when/if it changes. I hope that you are wrong about your last sentence.[:)]

EDIT EDIT i.e this one "As I understand it though none of this will change the 1mb I currently

have and or give me the 3-4mb I am certain my line is capable of

supporting [:'(]"
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I appreciate your help and I know it's a pathetic cop out but it's not just a case of clicking 'valider', there are a slew of subsequent incomprehensible choices to make and I'm afraid of screwing up my connection altogether, a risk I simply cannot afford to take !

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